🌸 Chihiro 🌸



6 years, 8 months ago


Theme song:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDgI5VAV3eA(because it's too good)




Pink Dragon


mid 20s








Made for a well established family that took her in as a symbol of luxury and wealth. From a very young age Chihiro was adorned with jewelry from head to toe, the most prominent and most important jewel that she has was an ear clip that was latched on both of the tip of her ears to give her an alert appearance and elegant appearance that she was not allowed to touch or remove.

As a luxury symbol, Chihiro was regarded as no more than an object; staying still in place, not to speak unless spoken to, and to never talk back. All she has known is life inside her family's home.

On one of the occasions where her family invited over their friends and other members of the family which Chihiro never knew nor met, she snapped. It began when people where gazing over her and complimenting her family on the young pink grem and never regarding Chihiro as a responsive individual. For the whole celebration Chihiro never spoke a word and stayed in place which proved tiring and exhausting for her so she finally collapsed. When she awoke, she found that her own family was berating her for what she's done to embarrass them instead of helping her up. With what strength she had left, she removed all the heavy jewelry she had and snatched the ear clip that was not allowed of her to touch that resulted in ripping the ends of her ears. As she did that, her own family turned on her which ended up in a grizzly scene,lucky, she escaped the family estate with her life and her favorite piece of jewelry which is her golden bell collar.

As she escaped, she was frightened of everything and anyone who came in contact with her but a few. A few of these people she trusted with her life was Akila (that took her in), which Chihiro regarded her as an elder sister. Avila taught Chihiro everything she knew about street smarts, how to interact with dangerous people, and the like.

The only person that knows about her past are her closest friends/ family which includes Akila.

Now Chihiro established a notorious gang that is based on love for whomever associated themselves in this group and for whomever is outside of the gang says that they're one of the most dangerous gangs out there. People say to be cautious and careful interacting with them as they're known to be very persuasive and to sweeten up their words to draw people in.

As the leader of her gang, she's very distrusting of others and is always on her toes, so gaining her trust deems an impossible feat.

Chihiro is also extremely picky for whoever joins her gang, they must have a prominent reputation in "shady" businesses, as soon as they join the gang they're regarded as untouchable and untraceable.

Some of her most favorite places to visit are the underground clubs, bars, shops, and pit fights.

Because of Chihiro's past lifestyle, she sometimes enjoys the life of luxury alongside Akila. 

Appearance wise, she enjoys fur and leather especially her gang's official jacket which she sometimes flaunts alongside her "family" which is basically her gang's members. Though, most of the time they keep their affinity to the gang hidden for safety purposes unless it's for intimidation. Chihiro also enjoys wearing colorful/bright outfits.










Important info:

-Spiky hair/fur

-Long fur on hips/ sleeves.

-Scars on the tip of her ears.


Whenever she feels down and bad about anything (she especially feels horrible because of what she's done in the past) she often vents to Akila which is always there to listen. It's her own form of therapy.

Gang members:




