Character Purge!'s Comments

self control? I don't know her
could I do art for this boyo ?

Sure thing xD

Could you draw my Protogen Las this time? 👀

Okie! I'll have it done tomorrow~

She looks so adorable aahahah

Thank you so much again!


I've been eyeing this guy for a bit 👁

Would you take art for him? It's okay if not^^

Ohhh I totally would accept art! What do you prefer to offer? :D LIke, Fullbody, Halfbody etc

I'd prefer a Halfbody if that's Alright :0

Sure thing! Can you draw my Digimon OC Drazz in her Rookie Form(Gaomon)? :O

Yes I can!^^ I'll get started ASAP

Sorry for the delay Irl stuff came up! Here is the finished art!

Okay, I sold/put for offers 30+ old characters of mine I wasn't using, so now I'm ready for some new kids👀
could I (again lmao) do art for and ?

Yeeehhhhh sure!

I send you some lads to draw after my shift!


Would you mind drawing my Slade bros together?


and Slade;

Of course! I'll try to have it done asap!

A question though - do you want me to draw them as ferals or anthros? And if anthros, do you have any clothes in mind or is it up to me?

Anthros please! They wear usually black jeans and hoodies when it comes to their clothing

4 Replies

ahh I can't stop myself 😩
could I also do art for ? I believe it would also be a fullbody :p

Haha yes!

can you draw my Gaomon Lad Drazz perhaps?

Of course!

Thanks a bunch! I transfer the Character now!

Thank you ^^

Sure thing! You´re ok with a Fullbody for him?

Of course! What character do you want me to draw?

Can you draw my Sona Kinsy perhaps? :D

Of course! I had a busy day today so I'll get to it tomorrow ^^

Daaamn she looks rad thank you! I´ll transfer the Character now!

2 Replies

Hi!! Anybody in my TH interets u for this bab :0? No off limits!

When I am allowed to, I would totally trade him for Dixie!

i think i could trade Dixie for em! I am rlly attached but i trust u can give em a good home :0!!

If you rather keep Dixie I also accept Art! Whatever you prefer the most :D

I have alot of art to finish but i can at least make one-two pieces!

Neat! Can you maybe draw a Fullbody of this las? That would totally be enough :D

3 Replies