


7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Counterfeit --- The ability to change an object into another. Such as changing a leaf into money or a penny into a tiny gold coin - and ofc it's not legit because it doesn't actually change the objects properties - it changes how someone sees it. If someone else looks at the object it will appear as the original i.e. A leaf vs the victim sees a wad of cash. Spidey Sense-----he can just feel danger before it happens


Fairy God Father (A resort Theo made which soon became his hero name. He tried to make it 'more fitting' by trying to change it to 'Boss of the Fairy Mafia)

Real name:

Oliver N/A





526e1e17173f62ed940f903b435b7dbf.jpgSide kick to Theo's anti-hero persona.

  • He's paralyzed from the waist down and yet still insists on physical therapy.
    • He uses his illusion-ability to make it look like he is walking when masquerading as an anti-hero
  • Very strong upper body
  • Voice of reason when things get out of hand
  • Used to be a hero before. Which is how he got injured and after Theo took off to be a hero he started hero-ing again but under a different name.
  • Later on, Theo DOES learn of his secret identity (and vice-versa) by helping him clean his wounds after a particularly bad fight. It was...awkward.
  • His favorite pickup lines include - 
    • "Your eyes are as blue as the sea I dumped my ex in"
    • "You look like trash, may I take you out?"
    • "Did you fall from heaven because you look like Satin" 
    • Clearly, he is a ladies man
  • He also says things like "Every time I see a shooting star, I make a wish.....For you to get hit by the shooting star"
  • Soups pessimistic, but like, he's trying to not be
    • He's NOT a smoker, it's a lollipop he has in his mouth to look cool

Personality: Oliver is the voice of reason between the two, and often gets on Theo's nerves because of it. He has strong morals and tries to persuade Theo to not kill certain people or simply remind her that different people see things differently than her. He is quirky in a battle and tries to lighten the mood, something that he has gotten better at since quitting his pass-time as a hero. Because of his background as a hero, he tries everything in his power to ensure that anyone who gets hurt is definitely the 'bad guy', however, this can be a difficult feat due to his gray out look on the world. This leads him to fight with Theo every-so-often due to her black-and-white outlook, but this doesn't stop him from being protective of her, both inside the suit and out. Because of their closeness, Theo will often use him as her 'seeing-eye human', much to his distaste.