Mila (Mila (Modern Crossover))



1 year, 6 months ago


  • Mila Ó Brádaigh

  • Age???
  • GenderFemale
  • RaceDragon
  • CareerAndroid & Prosthesis Engineer
  • Alignment                                          True Nuetral

"Yes, please ignore the feathers all over the place..."18811496_S8Fn3vrW09QncCc.png

While outwardly human, it would be foolish for one to assume there's nothing more to Mila. Born of a humanoid family of Dragons, Mila can shift forms at will to hide her draconic attributes, which she does most of the time to avoid needless attention. As with most Dragons, Mila feeds off the Mana that exists within and around the world, though she can also draw energy from Human cuisine, which she prefers. As a being evolved to feed on Mana, Mila's discarded feathers are attracted to dense concentrations of the stuff like magnets and often congregate around places rife with it, or on people with high magical potential.

Because of how easily she can blend in with humans, Mila has witnessed the many outcomes of the greed, vanity and wrath of her own kind. This has led her to the conclusion that while she could indulge herself in the usual vices of her species, it's much easier to just coexist and not draw too much unnecessary attention.

Able to pass as a 20-30-something Human woman, Mila studied engineering and design  and eventually worked her way in to an apprenticeship in an Android development firm and applying much of their technology to the field of prosthesis in an effort to give people back what can't be healed. Eventually she left firm after disagreeing with the direction of their work. She started her own design firm developing custom Android parts and custom prosthesis, even going so far as to develop gender-specific prosthetics with functioning nerves. Having cornered such a specific, but highly demanded market, Mila set about construction a personal assistant who, over the course of her development, would also become her living assistant and closest friend.

Utilizing the latest techniques she had learned from her apprenticeship, she created an Android that could utilize her own excess Mana for power, used a smart-polymer as a skin analogue and implemented a learning AI


DoB: March 6th
Origin: ???
Height: 5'9/7'7
Build: Curvy but muscular
Demeanor: Lax
  • Storywriting
  • A good meal
  • Craftmanship
  • Unnecessary confrontation
  • Tight spaces
  • Arrogance











None are too sure of Mila's origins save for a minute handful of crucial allies, even among other Dragons. .


Coming soon I promise.


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