


7 years, 1 month ago


Hero Name: Marionette || Quirk: Living Doll

Marionette's quirk name has a double meaning, while her body itself looks like a ball jointed doll she can take possession of any sort of doll or stuffed toy using a type of physic link to control them. Her link and control gets weaker the farther away she is and she has to be within a 5 mile radius of the doll or it will fall, completely lifeless. She can control multiple dolls but her reaction times with them would be slower as there would be a lot to concentrate upon, trying to keep all of them moving at once. There's no downsides to the material of the doll being used but she finds wooden and stuffed toys easier for her to control versus the stiff feeling of metal and plastic toys. She always carries around her favorite toy, a stuffed rabbit she calls Peter. Peter is often seen moving on his own and talking, in fact more so than the girl herself. He has his own personality and a big mouth, a total contrast to the shy and subduded wanna be hero.

🎭 Physical Appearance: Height: 5'0 || Weight: 110 || Body Type: petite
🎭 Significant Other: PENDING

Items always on their person:
🎭 Peter the Rabbit

Theme song ♪♩♫ || Theme song 2 ♪♩♫ || OTP song ♪♩♫