


2 years, 9 months ago



Name: Carivex

Species: Moth Dragon

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown


Carivex is a stalky anthro dragon moth with a unique and eye-catching appearance. His face is adorned with bright tangerine markings, which contrast beautifully with the white skull-like pattern that covers his face. He has orange fur on his thighs with brown stripes, and his medium fluffy tail is also striped in brown. The markings on his legs are asymmetric, adding to his distinctive appearance. Carivex has a soft, fluffy brown mane that frames his neck, giving him a regal and majestic look. His most striking feature is his orange moth antennas, which add a touch of elegance to his overall appearance. The pattern on his wings resembles that of a garden tiger moth, further enhancing his beauty.


Carivex is a lovable and endearing character with a heart of gold. He has a tendency to be clumsy and destructive, often bumping into things and accidentally knocking them over. Despite his unintentional destructive nature, Carivex is always quick to apologize and try to fix any mishaps that occur. He is a strong individual, both physically and emotionally, although he is often unaware of his own strength. Carivex is known for his infectious excitement, which causes his wings to vibrate and knock things over. His tail also swishes often, adding to his energetic and lively presence.

Carivex is the epitome of kindness and generosity. He loves to give his friends random things that he finds and thinks they would enjoy. He has a particular fondness for soft blankets and enjoys curling up in them during his many naps. Carivex has a unique hobby of raising snails, finding joy in their slow and peaceful nature. He resides in forests and earthy areas, feeling most active and alive during the sunset and dusk hours. Carivex has a preference for oranges and fruits, and he especially enjoys stews.


Carivex was born in a peaceful forest, surrounded by the beauty of nature. From a young age, he displayed his clumsy and destructive nature, often causing unintentional chaos wherever he went. Despite his mishaps, Carivex was loved by the creatures of the forest for his kind heart and gentle nature.

As he grew older, Carivex discovered his strength and realized that he had the power to protect and help others. He became a guardian of the forest, using his strength to defend the creatures and maintain the balance of nature. Carivex's clumsiness and destructive tendencies became a part of his unique charm, as he learned to embrace his quirks and use them to his advantage.

Throughout his adventures, Carivex encountered various challenges and obstacles, but his unwavering kindness and determination always prevailed. He formed deep bonds with the creatures of the forest, who became his loyal companions and friends. Carivex's love for giving and his fondness for finding and sharing random treasures with his friends became a cherished part of his character.

Now, Carivex continues to roam the forests, spreading joy and laughter wherever he goes. He is a symbol of resilience, kindness, and the power of embracing one's true self.


Once upon a time, in a lush and vibrant forest, there lived a majestic creature named Carivex. Carivex was a moth dragon with a unique and eye-catching appearance. His tangerine markings and white skull-like pattern made him stand out among the other creatures of the forest.

Carivex had a heart of gold and a tendency to be clumsy and destructive. Despite his unintentional chaos, the creatures of the forest loved him for his kind heart and gentle nature. One day, while exploring the forest, Carivex stumbled upon a group of snails. They were slow and peaceful creatures, and Carivex was immediately captivated by their calm presence.

Carivex decided to take care of the snails and make them his pets. He built a cozy little home for them, complete with soft blankets and leaves for them to rest on. He named each snail and spent hours observing their slow movements and gentle nature. Carivex found joy in their company and felt a sense of peace whenever he watched them.

As time went on, Carivex's bond with the snails grew stronger. He would often bring them gifts from his adventures in the forest, finding random treasures that he thought they would enjoy. The snails would crawl over the gifts, leaving behind a trail of slime as a sign of their appreciation.

One day, a storm swept through the forest, causing chaos and destruction. Trees were uprooted, and the creatures of the forest were in a state of panic. Carivex, with his strength and determination, took it upon himself to protect his beloved forest and its inhabitants.

With his wings vibrating and his tail swishing, Carivex flew through the storm, using his powers to shield the creatures from harm. The snails, sensing their guardian's bravery, crawled out of their cozy home and joined Carivex in his mission.

Together, Carivex and his snails worked tirelessly to restore order to the forest. They helped the creatures find shelter and comforted them with their gentle presence. Carivex's clumsiness and destructive tendencies became a source of strength as he used his unique abilities to clear fallen trees and create paths for the creatures to navigate through.

As the storm subsided and the forest began to heal, Carivex and his snails returned to their cozy home. The creatures of the forest gathered around, expressing their gratitude for Carivex's bravery and the snails' unwavering support. Carivex, with a humble smile, thanked his friends and acknowledged the power of unity and kindness.

From that day forward, Carivex and his snails became legendary figures in the forest. They were known as symbols of resilience, kindness, and the power of embracing one's true self. Carivex continued to roam the forests, spreading joy and laughter wherever he went, with his loyal snails by his side.

And so, the tale of Carivex and his pet snails became a cherished story in the forest, reminding all who heard it of the importance of friendship, love, and the beauty of embracing one's quirks.


Once upon a time, in the heart of the enchanted forest, Carivex the moth dragon and his magical snails embarked on a grand adventure. They had a vision to create a thriving little forest town, a place where all creatures could live harmoniously and find solace in the beauty of nature.

Carivex, with his unique ability to build homes and structures from trees and natural materials, took the lead in constructing the town. His snails, with their magical powers, lent their assistance, using their slime trails to create intricate patterns and enchantments that brought the buildings to life.

The first structure to be built was a cozy log cabin, nestled among the towering trees. Carivex carefully selected the strongest and sturdiest logs, shaping them with precision and care. The snails, with their magical touch, added a touch of whimsy to the cabin, adorning it with glowing mushrooms and delicate vines.

Next, Carivex and his snails turned their attention to the mushroom homes. They gathered an array of vibrant and sturdy mushrooms, carefully arranging them to create charming abodes for the forest creatures. Each mushroom home was unique, with intricate designs and enchantments that made them both practical and magical.

As the town began to take shape, Carivex and his snails ventured deeper into the forest, discovering hidden burrows and ancient trees that could be transformed into magnificent treehouses. Carivex used his strength and ingenuity to build sturdy platforms and bridges, connecting the treehouses and creating a network of elevated homes.

The town grew and flourished, attracting creatures from all corners of the forest. Carivex and his snails welcomed them with open arms, offering them a place to call home. The town became a bustling community, filled with laughter, music, and the sounds of nature.

But Carivex's work was not done yet. He realized that the town needed a central gathering place, a place where the creatures could come together and celebrate their unity. Inspired by the beauty of the forest, Carivex and his snails built a grand treehouse at the heart of the town. It had multiple levels, with cozy nooks and spacious balconies, providing a space for gatherings, performances, and storytelling.

As the sun set on the completed town, Carivex and his snails stood back, admiring their creation. The little forest town was a testament to their hard work, creativity, and the power of unity. The creatures of the forest rejoiced, grateful for the sanctuary that Carivex and his snails had built for them.

From that day forward, the little forest town thrived, with Carivex and his snails at its heart. They continued to build and create, expanding the town and adding new structures that catered to the unique needs of the forest creatures. The town became a symbol of hope, a place where all creatures could find solace, friendship, and the magic of nature.

And so, Carivex, the master builder, and his magical snails lived happily ever after, their legacy forever etched in the hearts of the creatures who called the little forest town their home.