Dynamite 🧨



2 years, 10 months ago



Gamer He/Them USA


Good sense of humor




Zones out a lot


BIRTHDAY:11 / 17 / XX
GENDER:Genderless/presents masc


  • Usually when anxious they get very defensive
  • They have some odd ways to express happiness, such as doing small jazz hands
  • Resting bitch face

" I should of been a stripper... "

Dynamite was always a quiter indivual and distanced himself from those who approached him. His trust issues were the cause of this, he had thought that this who be the best plan of action going into life, though soon learned that not everything is possible alone, or oreffered alone. Despite his gut telling him other wise he slowly began opening himself up to others, not about his background but let selective few get to know him better than a stranger. Slowly this provocteda change in the male. He started to become more social and started to become more adventourous. His insecuritys didnt fade but he slowly learned how to cope with them, turning them into jokes that bot only he himself could laugh at but others could as well. His friend circle wasn't very big but those who were in it turned out to be his closest friends, people he could rely on.


Dynamite was born into a fairly nice home though it quickly yet down. His parents were always stuck in arguements that would last for hours at the time. In school he was the laughing stock due to his identity and the little friends he had would later abandon him which would be a main cause for his trust issues and abandonment issues. At the age of 14 Dynamite's father got lost within drugs and his arguing with Dyna's mother got worst. Dynamite had grown tired at this point and began to get involved, screaming at his father to leave and one night... he did. Dynamite will say that he doesnt miss his father but won't admit that somedays when he hears the door open he looks over to see if he had returned but as the years passed that childish action died out. One thing good that came from it was the fact that Dyna and his mother had a unbreakable bond. As Dyna's mother became less able to support herself Dyna became the main income in the household, having to pay fir his own needs along with his mother's. It was very stressful and some nights he would put aside his needs for the needs of his mother. It remained this way for a while. Dyna would work 3 jobs to keep the income following, the stress was piling and without any other escaoe he turned to the devil's water. Liquior. He became a drunk he was drunk almost everyday and he wasnt proud of it but it numbed things for a little while. This bad havit lasted for months until one day when he got into a argument with his beloved mother and she made the point that he was becoming like his father, that was when he knew he had ti change and it had to be now. But it was the biggest struggle of his life, his mother was his main supporter and as he let himself become vulnerable that curcle grew a bit. He found his passion in gaming yet again and soon started a Twitch and YouTube channel, it was enough to make him tenporaryily forget about the cravings. Soon enough he was able to announce that he was 4 years clean, something he thought he would never say. But with the help of his family and friends and growing community online he was able to do it. Dynamite is now a professinal Gamer and Influencer and sometimes dabbles in the music business. He spends his days with his friends and his mother, finally enjoying life for its worth. Though he'll still occasionally admit that he should of been a stripper.