
2 years, 10 months ago


Jude Skulke

Age: 25

Element: Darkness

Role: Ranger

Rank: B

Skill: Negative Aura

As he takes damage, all of Jude's Stats become even stronger.


Energy Spear (Element: Darkness)

Flings a spear of dark energy at his foes, landing critical hits if it lands just right.

Spear Array (Element: Darkness)

Summons numerous spears from behind, launching them forth upon his foe. Deals multiple hits.

Spear Eruption (Element: Darkness)

Charges his power and pierces his foe with a massive spear from below, sending them flying.

Spear SmackerĀ (Element: Darkness)

A close ranged attack, smacking foes multiple times with his energy spear.


Power: 60

Magic: 60

Defense: 50

Magic Defense: 60

Health: 60

Speed: 50

The eldest of the runaway orphans who joined the Skulke Gang. Jude is calm, yet cruel, doing whatever means necessary to please his "new family." He uses dark magic to create energy spears, piercing foes before they even know him the opportunity he needs to make off with anything he steals. As the most successful of his orphanage "brothers", he is strict towards them whenever they fail their crimes, treating them harshly to help them become better. Though he rarely shows it in his face, he truly cares for the two of them....only wishing to see the best from them. His training methods are harsh and cruel, but the criminal world is anything but easy.... In battle, Jude flings energy spears upon his foes, piercing them with their dark energy!! The more negative Jude feels, the stronger his spears become!!