Piper Sofia-Vitalia



2 years, 9 months ago


piper 🐲 21 🐲 they/she

"an anxiety-riddled fandom-type girl", originally made up for my friend Tempest's webcomic FATEFUL HEIGHTS, now she exists free-floating as her own character. Named for the Playstation Vita.

Your name is PIPER SOFIA-VITALIA. You're 21 years old, and use they and she pronouns. You're something of an AUTHOR, but you wouldn't dare say that in polite company. The prying questions about what you write are simply too much. 

You live in the student housing of your university, the name of which doesn't matter. You transferred to this school in SENIOR YEAR, and because of this, you DON'T HAVE MANY FRIENDS. Or at least, none whose current locations align with yours. You enjoy MONSTER MOVIES, no matter the genre, but you especially adore those starring THE KING OF MONSTERS. You adore GODZILLA and all he stands for, and all he stands on. You think you're something of a BIG NAME FAN, and your collection of figures is proof enough of that. You also maintain a ROGUES GALLERY of roleplay accounts. Your pride and joy is your ALPHYS blog, the only time you've ever made yourself cry while writing. Despite your prolific presence, their followings are rather LIGHT, and have only gotten lighter since you transferred, since you fully expect to be getting up to COLLEGIATE SHENANIGANS, such as pranking the DEAN, all-night RAGERS, and all that other stuff you read about in college AUs any day now. You expect it but... you'd have to talk to someone first. And that's scary. 

Your Tumblr URL is atomicApprehension, and you tend to worm your way through... or, like, navigate your overblown, kind of um- labyrinthian, or you guess you could say, they're confusing and overqualified - um. Lengthy and meandering sentences, often very poorly.