NN's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

bugsv Global Rules

Terms of Service

By purchasing from me you are agreeing to my terms of service.

These terms were last updated September 1st, 2021.


  • All my designs are free to use for commercial use. All I ask is that I'm given credit for the design wherever possible.
  • You may not claim the original design as your own. You can claim partial credit if you edited the design (ex: design by bugsv and me).
  • You are free to change any aspect of the character once purchased.


  • You are free to make any changes to any art that came with the character as long as you do not claim full ownership of my art or use it for other characters (such as making bases).
  • My art is not available for commercial use without my explicit consent.
  • You may repost my artwork with credit.


  • I only take payment upfront via paypal.
  • Do not resell my designs at a higher price without additional artwork.
  • I have no say in any future ownership disputes.
  • All sales are final. I do no do refunds.