My eyes hurt... In a good way.

u r so awesome for this

Thanks for creating this! But-- pointing out the description, artists cannot own a specific combination of colors. It's just not possible.

Plus, these color combinations CAN be the same colors and variants of existing characters/designs, so who is to stop artists from calling each other out when an artist pulls from these color pallets instead?

Sorry if this is rude at all, I'm just trying to stress arguing over color theft is dumb because...

They're *c o l o r s* it's not the end of the world if an artist makes a blue emo doctor giraffe like another artist. It's like getting pissed at another chef because they cooked the same meal with similar spices.


there's a difference between using the same sort of color scheme - using another character to reference+eyeball similar colors - and getting out the color picker tool of your art program and oftentimes copying down the exact same marking scheme that another artist created. i'm not against finding inspiration, i'm against Literal color-picking from people who explicitly do not consent to it

I get that but I'm just arguing the stupidity of artists getting upset because their designs have shared color combinations. Whether another color is added to a color picked character or not, it will never change the fact that they themselves color picked another artist's work and another before that. (Yes, even color pallets and pictures because that's the logic of ppl making artists consent to them for stuff like colors, glitter wings, and a face shape if or if not they already have that ability to create themselves freely)

Nothing good comes from stressing the small stuff like that specifically, because you don't need to ask permission to use a color combination another artist uses. It's different when they just download the character and repost it with no work put into it to make it more theirs or different from the original.

Sorry to bother im not trying to get you to agree or anything. Just pointing it out. I do understand why people do not want to be drawn after etc... But its just confusing because they do the same thing. Its like a big bowl of hypocrisy




I agree with this^^ 

There is a difference between copying a design and color picking. Nobody owns colors, or color combinations. It's like if netflix sued every single character design artist that made a character with black and red. 

Copying a design is different, taking the same elements without making any changes and creating the exact same character is theft. 

You can't "steal" colors. They're colors.

i also agree ^v^

I be dead to see another Twitter post with Rainbowcat223 having a stroke because thirty ten year olds color picked their oc.

It CAN be uncomfortable, but at the end of the day, it's colors. If they're not profiting off your design then no stress ;W;


its not that i disagree with this it's that like. the basis of conversation here and your definition of "colorpicking" is obviously different from mine + the way that people use the term on toyhouse and when i realized that it just seems like you randomly walked into my comments to soapbox. that's kind of weird

3 Replies

I third this! Colors cannot be copyrighted, owned, or kept by ANYONE. Not by artists, not by the goverment by some magical reason, nothin. So you shouldn't be allowed to keep a strand of colors that just match each other. There's so many ppl trying to get others to literally pay for colors and claim colors just because they have the need to own something 

def agree w this! no one owns colors, it’s perfectly possible to make completely different designs from the same exact color palettes!

True!! Plus what if colors in the generator are the same or super close to another characters color pallet that exsisted before this? It's all a matter of saying, hey, artists, don't start making call outs and complaining because they have a rainbow lizard in a jumpsuit like your rainbow squirrel in a straight jacket.

Big agree, if colors could be stolen then copyright would include exact hex codes of colors to be considered theft. But alas, it don't, so color theft is just artists being insecure about colors they believe are original.


Tysm for this, it must've taken a while 

this is legit one of the coolest perchance projects ive seen

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Thank you for taking the time to do this!!


no problem!!!!! believe it or not that time was about 10 minutes because i am a. programmer

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This is a lot of coler palates tysm for make them