HOLD's Comments

How much would you be looking for for them? :0

Edit : I could offer 200$+ if you don’t mind holding them till the 21st^^ I understand if that’s too long though

Idm holding ! I bought them for 200 but i got them extra art so id prefer a bit more if thats ok just lmk what you could do !

I could probably go up to 230$ :,0 im sorry I know that’s not a lot more so I understand if that’s too low

thats fine i wasnt lf a ton more !!!  i could accept that :)ill list them as on hold rn !

Ah ok!! Tysm ! ^^ I’ll send you a message / dm when I’m able to send the money for them! ^^

okay awesome !! ty ^_^

1 Replies

hi if you recheck the transfer logs + the sale conditions this was agreed to only be a closed trade (can only go back to me) ^_^;

edit: idk who this replied to but that was an accident LOL

sorry ! i messaged you and you stopped replying so i assumed it was fine since u also said close trade/let you know in advance ? mightve interpreted that differently.

do you like someone here? https://toyhou.se/Cinnabunn/characters/folder:5888062 I can possibly do multiple

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didnt see any1 id use sorry

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i have a bunch faved if u wanna get a grasp of the kind i like !

oh yeah i never uploaded this



if ur selling for 200 can i buy?

sure!! would you be comfortable with a closed trade/letting me know in advance if you plan to resell? [email protected] !

yes! i can send the money once im home if thats ok!! <3

sounds good!! :^D

sent just rn!

feel free to look through my th :]

I culd do anyone In my TH w/o the 'dont' tag! &add on art/customs ^^ ! 

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anyone in my th eben offlimits.can add 2 customs and 3og these lil 3d chibis

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sorry for the late replly ;_; but i didnt see anyeon that id use!

hellooo anyone in my th except for sonas and joycawn folder? ^o^ can do multiples!!!

I can do customs as well!!!!

would do usd add ons depending of who u liked in my th C: 

can u also lmk if theres an ab for them ?

theres no ab for her^_^" im not too sure if  i wanna let her go yet

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ouh dont worry becaus shes only eo for now .Im not sure if i wanna let go of her yet ^_^" take your time!

ooo hi i csn  do any1  in my toyhouse  besides  the sona folderr... ihva e a  lot of ocs in  my offer folder

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Would anyone in th maybe be of intrest? :]

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i could offer sum chars in my th (besides sonas and cathedral folder) + art ir maybe customs

kaidou just lyk they're ufo!

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hello :) i dont think so? i will heavily consider anything above 77$
maybe characters with the same amount of art but im really picky with ocs ^_^"

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