


2 years, 10 months ago


 Tarponshine | Warrior | 29 moons | They/Them | Demisexual  

Willowy silver ticked tabby with blue eyes. 

Smells like: salt, kelp, rainwater


[+] Sincere, Quick to act, Approachable

[=] Honest, Emotionally Transparent, Overachiever

[-] Inexperienced, Insecure, Reactionary, Anxious 

At the best of times, Tarponshine is a go-getter who has a deep bond with their clanmates, deeply personally responsible for their clan’s wellbeing. At the worst of times, they’re a nervous wreck with no idea what they’re doing or where to even begin. They have a profound sense of guilt over what they've done (and haven't done) and have retreated somewhat into dejection.


Tarponshine wasn’t supposed to be a leader. Oysterstar’s one surviving kit was initially trained like any other warrior. However, when a hurricane took the acting deputy and nearly killed Oysterstar herself, she became increasingly concerned with cementing her legacy. To this end, the deputy position was thrust upon young Tarponshine. They took to the position as well as they could, given how little experience they had, but they could feel constant eyes on them. Oysterstar’s death came far too early, gravely injured by a shark while on a hunting trip.  Tarponstar's brief leadership was plagued with issues. A mix of bad luck and hasty decisions led TideClan into a disastrous storm season, resulting in numerous casualties. Overcome with shame and a desire to do better by their clan, Tarponstar stepped down as leader of TideClan. They hope to serve their clan better as a warrior...if TideClan will have them. 


Oysterstar (Dam, deceased)

Vinesway (Sire, deceased)

Snapjaw (Aunt, deceased) 

Makosplash (Cousin) 

Seastar (Former Mentor)