


2 years, 9 months ago


Senara lives on an island with her sister, Cora. Shortly after splitting from their parent, the pair of siblings crash-landed onto a tropical planet filled with many islands. The people there regarded the beings from the sky as Gods, with this belief only being strengthened due to Cora's ability to make potions and Senara's ability to destroy anything she touches. Although Cora tended to shy away from the spotlight, Senara has firmly embraced her role as a deity and is showered with gifts by the people.

Although Senara had originally loved the attention, this feeling changed upon realizing that the people who praised her did so out of fear rather love. Due to Senara's constant need to consume things in order to sustain herself, the islanders fear her turning her destructive abilities against them. Senara has grown to become deeply insecure about her position of power and is deeply afraid of letting her few genuine believers down. Fortunately, her sister will always be there to shower Senara with endless affection and support. Although Senara continues to put up a regal and untouchable front to the islanders, she has grown to become more openly affectionate with those close to her.

Design Notes: Senara wears two peacock feathers as false lashes above each of her two main eyes. She also wears no shoes, due to disliking not being able to directly touch the ground.

Species: Articularia

Subspecies: Shatter

Arthropod: Daring Jumping Spider (Phidippus audax)


Color of eyes: Gradient, Green to Blue (Rare)

Number of Eyes: 2 Pairs (Uncommon)

Appearance of Eyes: Blank (Uncommon)

Number of Antennae: Absent (Rare)

Number of Wings: 1 Pair (Common)

Size of Wings: Medium (Common)

Number of Extra Limbs: 2 Pairs (Uncommon)

Shape of Extra Limbs: Cursorial (Common)

Presence of Extra Appendages: Absent (Common)

Number of Halos: Absent (Common)

Number of Creation Powers: Absent (Common)

Presence of Venom: Absent (Common)

Appearance of Hair: Normal (Common)

Presence of Cracks/Damage: Absent (Common)

Purchased from this batch, for $16, on August 17th 2021