


2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info










April 13th






Name: “Hey, name’s Zayd. I know, strange huh?” He chuckled a bit.

Full Name: “I already told you my name. You really don’t need to know.” 

Age: “How old do you think I am?” He then asked. 

Gender: “Well clearly you can see that.” 

Species: “It’s kinda confusing, if you don’t look into all of this.”

Birthday: “Curious about that too?” he asked as he raised a brow.
April 13th

Orientation: “Well, I’m just into girls. That good enough for you?”

Alignment: “I don’t pick sides. It is what it is.” He crossed his arms.

Looks/Appearance: “You’re kidding right? I haven’t even moved.” 

Personality: “I’m sure you figured it out by now. If not, oh well.” He shrugged.
Zayd has a more calm and collecting type of personality. He usually keeps his thoughts to himself, doing what he pleases. When he’s not like this, he usually shares what’s on his mind, sometimes without the regard of others around him. Other than that, he can be a bit thoughtful for those around him, and if they’re close enough. But on the other side, he’ll do what he needs to benefit him in the end. This makes him one of a kind character, especially with the way he does things.

Likes: “Are you really interested? Or just making conversation?” He asked.

  • Coffee
  • Nights
  • Relaxing
  • Deception
  • Quietness
  • Conversations
  • Dealing
  • Sweets/Food
  • Exploring
  • Reading
  • Traveling

Dislikes: “Okay, now I know this if just for conversation.” 

  • Boredom
  • Annoyance
  • Certain foods
  • Betrayal
  • Dishonesty
  • Failure
  • Weakness
  • Uselessness
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Stress

Backstory: “What’s it to you? Like do you really need to know this?” He asked.
Zayd was abandoned at a young age, being found in the town of Moonbrite in Crest Hill Zone. While being raised in this home of his, he was mostly picked because of his appearance and just him appearing from out of nowhere. Having to endure this for years, shaped him who he is now. Not only that, but made him curious about who he is and why these things happened. With that in mind, he wanted to find out the truth just like his parents that raised him.

With their permission and him being old enough, he left the town to travel to find answers. As he did, he would make his way to the ruins of Shadow City on North Island. With that, he would learn about the attack and what has happened on the island so far. This only made him want to dig deeper. Not only that, but to find these ‘Shadow Raccoons’ that once lived in this city. During his searching, he would find certain things about them and about himself as well and wonder what it could all mean. He even found a certain item which when he held it, it unlocked something within him. It was a power he never thought he had before, but knew he would need it for the future and what’s to come. He made his way back to the town of Moonbrite, having his own place as he began making his own little chart to look through everything and put the pieces together. While there were still missing pieces, he became determined.

As of this day, he lives in Moonbrite with the parents that raised him being close by. There, he puts together the information he found over time and during his travels. As he continues, he pieces everything together, making sense of everything and how it goes. He wants to find out more about his past and what ties he has with the people of Shadow City. Not only that, but to figure out the source of his strange powers he has. Yet all at the same time, all he wants is a chance to be who he is, doing what he wants to at the end of the day.

Powers/Abilities: “Since you asked, I guess I don’t mind sharing.”

  • Darkness Manipulation: With this power of his, he’s able to control darkness and power tied with it. He’s able to manipulate the dark like energy, in any form he likes to. With this, he is strong in both his attacks and defense. Yet the downside is that he can sometimes have barely to no control over this power. If he does lose control, it could lead to him succumbing to it. Yet with his recent training, the risk of that happening has been lowered.

Transformations: “Well why would I ruin the surprise?” He asked, chuckling a bit.

  • Dark Zayd: This transformation is a bit different from other dark transformations. When he takes this form, his darkness wraps around him to power him up with a dark purple color and aura. Not only is he faster and stronger, but he does have control in this form. The downside is, he can lose that control and let darkness take over. If that happens, he’ll need to be stopped.

Weapons: “Why need one when you’re basically one?”

Goals: “Like what exactly?” he asked as he raised a brow.

  • Finding out more about his past, and who he really is exactly.
  • Being able to control his powers, being able to grow stronger with them as well.

Fears: “Ptth! Me? Afraid? C’mon now.” He laughed a bit.

  • Losing himself and control over his powers, being weak to handle them.
  • Unable to find any more information, especially about the ‘Shadow Raccoons’.

Romantic Interests: “Yeah, I rather not talk about that.”

  • Canon: Unknown
  • Draxis Dimension: Unknown
  • Oc #1: Single
  • Oc #2: Single

Extra/Other: “Are we done here? Well alright, see you around, I guess.” He shrugged before walking away.

  • He still lives in Moonbrite even after everything he had to endure as a child. At the same time however, things have gotten better for him in the long run.
  • He has been training to gain more control over his powers, being able to do more than he wasn’t able to do before.
  • After gaining the information from Shadow City, or its remains, he continued to look through to find some answers. His next place of interest is the cities, mostly Central City and Station Square.
  • He has learned about raccoons using powers of shadows in some places, and then would leave to go somewhere else. He knows he’s somewhat linked to them, and is looking to figure out who they are and what they’re doing.