
2 years, 9 months ago


Rough drafted

Suho strikes me as a different flavor of optimist. The kind of super masculine baseball-haircut guy who looks like a douche but as soon as you talk to him you are blown away by his positivity and well-meaning attitude. A gentle giant, if you will, who gets hyped easily but just has super bad resting bitch face. he'd carry someone on his back to the finish line before trying to finish the race himself, even if it was important to him, just so they could finish together!! Kinda dense, but also very supportive always!

Suho is the leader of team strike and is a big baseball fan and player *how do kems play baseball, idk yet, il work that detail out later* 

Wears a resting bitch face and seems unapproachable, but hes actually super supportive and a good friend, and overly positive. He can have a short temper when things get physical *monster hunts, scuffs with bandits, etc* but he will always protect those dear to him.  Will never leave a team mate or kem behind, especially if theyre injured in any way. He strongly believes in supporting those around him emotionally as he wishes he had that growing up, giving that his parents are so distant that they dont even care what he does.

Past delinquent that got out of that life when he met  Poet and Usui.