Elliot Oliver



3 years, 1 month ago


Name: Elliot "Ellie" Oliver 

Gender: Non-binary but uses he/they!

Hes this happy go lucky fellow who loves animals and space, he dreams of becoming a Space Biolgist, going to different planets of all kinds to study the life on each one, when he was a child they were mostly seen drawing aliens and animals and hanging them up on his bedroom walls, He has 2 siblings ((Who I will create soon!)), who think hes weird for being able to pick up fish out of water so easily, He has a best friend whos named Soda-Pop  They also have a pet axolotl named Barry who can breath out of water and is usually seen on Elliots shoulder when they go out for walks and to get food, 

Elliot really loves animals of all types! He could easily tell facts about every animal they come across, much to his sibling's annoyance, 

I do have plans to make two verisons of them! One that stays true to this, without arms, and then a version with arms, and they can change through these forms with ease, they prefer to not have arms though so they can reach stuff on top of shelves, as they are only 5'5 while the rest of his family are 5'6 and above! 

He would easily fight for his friends and defend them but they condone violence of any kind so he usually gets hurt from trying to defuse situations peacefully, which worries his friend Soda-Pop, so hes usually seen with bandages somewhere on his body even if the injuries arent that severe,