April Selesky



2 years, 9 months ago


april selesky



11th april





april selesky is a really open and outgoing type of person. loves to pick everything that peaks her interest even in the slightest bit as a hobby and holds onto all of those things with a healthy routine. no matter what she does and where she is, she's still able to relax and clear her mind just fine; the main exception might be her job at berkton zoo sometimes, but it's mostly due to the customer service incidents that might feel even cruel at times. she likes to solve all of the conflicts and misunderstandings with a calm conversation, but if there's no space for that and fight responses kick in - then she fires back with the same attitude, even though it drains her mood and energy a whole lot for the rest of the day and night. she's known as that one employee always seen in butterfly enclosure room that has a really charming and kind attitude not only towards children, generally all the visitors but also to the most delicate and vulnerable animals [that she loves to take care of daily]. she's a so-called "golden child" along with her co-worker, dante nex, if it comes to strict fighting for animal rights. even though the zoo on it's own is not an ethical environment in the first place, she still wants to make the animals' lifes in there more comfortable and bearable, as much as it's just possible.

butterflycluster.gif she comes from a wealthy selesky family and she was born in berkton. used to live with her parents and older brother in S2 specifically. she never had too much friends but she indeed had a circle of very few but the closest people that she got to know even back in kindergarten or at the start of elementary school. she had a kick to always help out in house chores and by that she always wanted to help her family out in cooking the most, to the point it was her most favourite thing to do everyday. the fatal change of pace in her life came on 15th august 2012, where she was hanging out with dante and some other friends for the first half of the day, and then came back to her house only to witness all of it being covered in flames. she got to know the cause of this accident immediately from people that needed to take care of her right away at that very moment: the cause was a gas leak explosion from the gas kitchen stove that they had. thankfully people took care of her wellbeing really seriously and she ended up being quickly put in forrey family. since they live in new yxrk, it immediately meant that april needs to move out from her hometown. everything happenned so fast and it led to april's mental health crashing down all at once, but her new family not only let her let all the grief out as much as she needs while giving her full support and new family warmth, but she also immediately got proffessional help as well. her healing process was and still is extremely painful but large in improvement throughout entire 9 years so far. she always went along with it, because she knew it's all for her good to at least try and function on her own all over again.

her living in forrey family turned into the same model and connections that she had and felt in selesky family. she remained as helpful in house stuff as she always was since being a tiny child. april moved out not so long ago back to berkton because she felt like she's finally ready to try and live on her own, along with having a deep-rooted need to come back there for her own good. she keeps up the contact with her foster family really regularly, but at the same time she visits her biological family's graves, once per week at the very least.

she still has many moments of weakness and grief, the survivor's guilt often becomes unbearable at the most unexpected moments, but she wants to keep on moving on and she lets herself let it out whenever she feels like its really needed.











  • animals
  • going on walks
  • cooking/baking
  • gardening/flowers
  • baggy clothes
  • summer/sunsets
  • clean spaces


  • gas kitchen stoves
  • rude attitude
  • gore/blood/nsfw contents
  • loneliness
  • fire
  • tighter clothes
  • yelling/fights
  • april speaks fluent english and pretty good french. it might not be perfect, but she tries her best.
  • she's diagnosed with OCD [severe ruminations], PTSD and depression. regularly goes to therapy and takes meds for years now. struggles with intense survivor guilt and many intrusive thoughts that come back really often.
  • slight changes in her sleeping pattern, increased stress/anxiety levels and/or skipping medication results in way insreased chances of visual & auditory hallucinations/sleep paralysis happening.
  • can't drink alcohol or smoke ever. she dislikes and avoids both either way.
  • she lives in a pretty big apartment located in a complex in M1, on the same floor where lupin and ira live.
  • april's apartment is full of big windows, and because of that everything's always filled with strong sunset light.
  • she's generally really good at planning out her day and adding new stuffs into her routine.
  • no matter how much she wanted to desensitize herself from her triggers, being around gas stoves, the thought of needing to use them and seeing big fires in town are the roughest triggers that will work on her negatively right away.
  • she loves to cook and bake food for her friends, neighbors and co-workers.
  • she has a pretty hard time focusing and learning new stuffs but she does her best to go through all the difficulties no matter what.
  • april's main hobbies are gardening, cooking, baking and ice/rollerskating.
  • always carries around a pocket knife and a lighter with herself.
  • whenever a butterfly or any other bug dies in the zoo, she gives it to dante so he can be the last person that lets go of it. the whole process is heartbreaking for her in general.
  • she does have loud and clear voice while at work, she can be easily heard from afar.
  • april smells like something fresh forest/tree-related, most likely sandalwood.

design notes


  • 176 cm
  • freckles
  • hair usually put in a high bun
  • straight hair
  • fine build
  • ears piercings
  • white circles around pupils
  • bandaids are optional
  • smiling as default
  • prefers wearing baggy clothes
additional memory // jin

even if this is a misunderstanding,
i always wanted to say
"goodbye, i love you"