Chime Fish's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

cakebird Global Rules


  • Redesign your character as you see fit
  • Rename your character
  • Give your character a gender, or change their gender
  • Rewrite anything related to your character
  • Make AUs or species-swap your character
  • Use your character's DESIGN [Not my art!] for commercial purposes


  • Sell your character at a higher price than what you paid, unless you have additional personally drawn or commissioned artwork attached to them
  • Claim yourself as the creator of the design, unless you make changes to it, in which case you may credit yourself as a co-designer
  • Use your character in any generative AI datasets
  • Upload your character to any cryptocurrency marketplace as an NFT or any other form of coin/token/currency
  • Use your design to create a 'closed' or 'open' species without permission

Please feel free to PM me here, on Twitter, or on Discord [] if you have any questions!