

3 years, 1 month ago


Archie Fisher Burke


Cis Male | He/Him

February 13th, 2006 | 15


5'6 ft | 167 cm








[ Adventurous - Cheerful - Empathetic - Honest - Loyal - Obedient - Optimistic - Sociable ]

Archie is the textbook definition of a dog boy. He's very extroverted, always tending to gravitate towards large groups of people and friends rather than being alone. He's cheery and always seems to be bubbling with energy and an endless fountain of stupid positivity. He's a giant people-pleaser, always ready to drop his plans at moments to help out and assist someone in need. Archie has a PAINFULLY obvious hero complex, constantly helping or trying to help the people around him. He's loud and charismatic, always grinning and happily playful. He's always down for a good game or trick, but only as long as it stays harmless. The moment someone gets hurt, he'd drop everything. 

[ Absent-minded - Clingy - Cowardly - Idealistic - Loud - Oblivious - Reckless - Gullible ]

He can be too optimistic, making him blind to people's actual intentions because he tries to always see the best in people. He's very gullible and naive, willing to believe someone blindly if they're nice enough towards him. Archie, despite himself, is easily bent to peer pressure and isn't good at sticking up for himself in his efforts to keep everyone happy. He doesn't have a very complex way of processing situations and has a very black-and-white way of thinking. Despite trying to be the heroic guy he'd like to be and looks up to, he's rather cowardly and is easily frightened. 

Stats (6 + 4 + 2 - 3 - 2 + 5 = 12)

Strength (6)

Intelligence (-3)

Dexterity (4)

Wisdom (-2)

Constitution (2)

Charisma (5)


  • Exercise - He's super hyper and needs to vent it out.
  • Plants - One of the few things he understands with his small brain
  • Cartoons - He finds the fantasy fun and charming!


  • Dishonesty - To him, that's a sign of untrustworthiness.
  • Aggression - He scares easily despite the hero persona he tries to project
  • Math - He's dumber than a bag of bricks


Gardening - One of the main things he got to do all by himself and feel proud of <3 Loves to keep houseplants and pots in his room.
Baseball - It helps him vent his high energy productively, and he thinks it's super fun. One of the few things he's good at!



He was born to a simple, middle-class family in Miami, Florida-- and they were completely average in every way. His mother (Carla Burke, 49) has worked as a police officer his whole life to pay for both him and his bigger sister (Ally Burke, would be 18), always earning enough to keep them comfortable, but not enough for them to live lavishly. Archie grew up hyper and excitable, always getting into scrapes and well-meant trouble, living his tiny life to the fullest. His sister, in comparison, took on a more mature and maternal role since their mother was rarely home during the week and was constantly called away at random. 

Together, they made the perfect duo. They did everything together; from going to the store to pick up groceries because the fridge was empty, walking their dog (Batman, the best boy) around the neighborhood, to watching anything they had on DVD. Since their mom was rarely home, they often gravitated towards TV for entertainment, and Ally's favorite to watch was always crime documentaries and mystery shows growing up (Archie's were all superhero cartoons). Archie always got a bit scared of the things the shows would talk about, but as far as he was concerned, his big sister would never let anything happen to him; he was gonna be fine as long as she was there.

When he was ten, his sister went missing. She always walked home from her middle school, and that night, she didn't come back. He remembers waiting with popcorn and blankets already prepared for her. When there was no sight of her when the sun set, he called his mom. Without any warning, there were police at his door. They asked for his parents, they asked for when he saw her last, and they asked him what they'd last talked about; he doesn't remember the aftermath well. After about a month and a half of investigation, the case went cold. Archie took the whole thing as best as he could, but the house wasn't the same. His mom hung up her badge and lived off her retirement fund to be with him. Seeing her be so sullen and so drained, he decided that it was his job to bring the positivity. 

Archie tried his absolute best to take care of his mom: he started to smile more, he spontaneously started a garden with her so she was kept busy, and he stayed optimistic. He managed to build his mom back up with his unrelenting positivity, and eventually, she got to a good enough place to date a man she met. He (Eric Creed, 50) was a wealthy Australian Geologist she met by chance, and instantly Archie loved him. Joyful,  charming, and giving off heavy Santa Clause vibes, Archie watched how he treated his mother with respect and made her smile in a way only he and his sister had ever managed. Eric was kind and easily filled the father-figure-sized hole in Archie's life. Together, they learned how to play baseball, and just seeing the proud look on Eric's face when he made his first home run made Archie cry in the middle of the field. 

Disaster struck when Archie was twelve. In a freak summer storm, lightning struck his house and the majority of it caught fire, taking almost all of their possessions with it. With no place to go, Eric offered for them to move back with him to Australia. 

the academy

When he heard he got to go to a fancy, "rich people" school, Archie almost fell out of his seat from excitement. Not only was he able to see new people and make new friends, but it was a brand new environment that he certainly had never been in. His mom was also ecstatic, as she's always wanted for him to go to a good, prestigious school- even if they could never afford it normally. When he found out there were clubs, he jumped on the chance to be on the school's baseball team. He felt it was one of the few things he really excelled at, on top of it being a way to spend time with Eric. The True Crime Club, however, caught his interest in a burst of bitter nostalgia. It was a club he knew his sister would've loved to be a part of, so he signed up even if he was wary. For him, this school could be a dream come true-- for both of them.

Trivia / RP Info



  • Squid / Squish | 18 > | CST 
  •  script > semi-lit > headcanons > full lit | I'm good with any RP style tho!
  • > I'm good with any type of relationship! Platonic, familial, or romantic- they all good <3 my DMS are always open for people to hit up and HC, so come say hi :D


  • Archie is obsessed with comic books and superhero movies and 100% named his dog Batman unironically
  • He developed his superhero complex because he spent his entire childhood looking up to his mom
  • Himbo <3
  • He's a lowkey hopeless romantic and gets crushes like (snap) that. And consistently, because of the little brother energy, he constantly is friend zoned </3
  • He abuses the words "dude" "bro" and "awesome" so much you'd think he's a teenage mutant ninja turtle


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