


2 years, 10 months ago


"The only person that can keep my secret is my dead body."
Gender femenine
Pronouns she/her
Age ???
Birthday 1 April
Race/Species mixed
Job/Role shrine head
Title God of secrets
Stature Demeaning

Asumi is god of secrets and the head of the shrine of secrets. She's very snarky and enjoys the whorship she gets at the shrine. She's always up to date on most things going on in the world through her intell network that work at the shrine. Her over indulgence is a way of coping with the fact that she had so little in her previous life. Underneath her mean exterior she does have a kind and hurt heart. She just hasen't been willing to give anyone a chance in a very long time.

Being whorshipped
Her parents
Truth or dare
Her mouth-eye
Diaries with locks

Asumi grew up in a small farmers village with her parents and 3 siblings. She and her siblings were all victims of their parents mental and occasionally physical abuse. The 4 of them relied on eachother for comfort and support. The 2 middle siblings, Kopa and Astra, had always dreamt of moving to the big city. To them it felt like a place where you could do anything, it was the oppisite of their current home. The eldest, Orchid, would never agree to actually move to the city. He wanted to keep everyone safe.

One day Asumi woke up at midnight and couldn't fall back asleep, she went downstairs to get something to drink when she heard Kopa and Astra scheming. She overheard them revising a plan to run away to the city. She quickly ran back upstairs and got back into bed. A restless night followed. The twins eventually carried out their plan and left and Asumi kept quiet. Keeping that secret meant keeping her siblings safe. But the guilt of not telling her brother weighed on her like a hefty boulder. But nontheless, she kept that secret.

Guilt (TW: Suicide)

Her and her brother stayed on the farm and continued to grow up together, but the abscence of the missing siblings was heartwrenching to both of them. They grew more distant and lost almost all contact as adults. Even though Asumi was well in her twenties at this point, the guilt she'd felt all those years ago never left. She wanted it gone, whatever it took.

Theres was a shrine that promised its followers to rid them of guilt, run by the god of guilt themselves. It was a very big shrine with many people looking to lighten the weight on their shoulders. As a last resort, Asumi decided to join. She forked at the shrine for a couple of years but her guilt did not cease and her mental state only went downhill. In a fit of rage and no hope for the outcome, Asumi went to the god of guilt themselves. All her emotions came out at once in a blur, the god angrily responded blaming her for her inability to change. Before entering the room, she hadn't planned on ever leaving again. She drew out a blade and said "The only person that can keep this secret is my dead body". In a flash the blade had penetrated her stomach and she lifelessly fell to the ground.


After Asumi's death she was able to become a god after the reincarnation cycle (this is a system in the world they live in, more info about it soon!). She became the god of secrets, having literally taken a secret to her grave. She started her own shrine where people could confide their secrets and learn to keep them. As a child Asumi had been very caring and sweet but the aftermath of her mortal life has left her bitter and spitefull. Her brothers still hold a dear place in her heart, even if she has a lot of complicated feeling about them. Because of the guilt that plagued her in her mortal life, she alongside her siblings, was cursed with a mouth eye. A constant reminder of her confrontation with the god of guilt who has a huge gaping mouth filled with eyes.

I got her from a DTA! most of her early drawings are from said DTA.
Asumi used to be a part of a closed species named wookers. But since I wanted to use her in my own world I decided to redesign her to not fit that species anymore.
If it wasn't clear from the story, Asumi had a normal face in her mortal life! Her mouth eye is a curse.

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