


6 years, 9 months ago


Joyce dedicated her life to the study and practice of witchcraft from a young age, to the point where no one but her parents remember a time when she didn't have her snoot buried in either an old tome, cauldron, or a patch of herbs.  She's always been accused of being a "free spirit" which she never liked, it implied she didn't have a specific drive, or that she was chaotic.  Yes, she might follow her own path, but it's a path, not some carefree wandering!  Suffice to say, Joyce isn't very tolerant of anything she perceives as criticism.  

Her younger sister was always a welcome companion to Joyce, as it felt nice to be revered for once.  Joyce learned to love camping in the woods, it made gathering ingredients easier, plus her parents banned her from using her cauldron indoors.  (Too risky they said!  Bah!  She'd only had two failed concoctions...that they knew about!)  Her sister loved all the critters out there, but Joyce didn't particularly see their appeal, unless they produced a reagent she needed.

Joyce is the older sister of Prismi, who became a magical girl.  Together they fight crime!

~Creation date 8/13/17