


8 years, 10 months ago


Name: Rahu'Ma
Height: 6'0
Appearance: Healthy
Age: 447
Gender: Male
Personality: Civil/Observant/Curious/Keen/Reliable/Methodical/Reserved/
Species: Crow Yokai (Corrupted)
Affiliation: Crimson Chateau
Combat Roles: Barrier/Blinker/Healer/Hidden/Ranged
Occupations: Apothecarist/Doctor/Healer/Mage/
Affinities: Corruption/Dark/Mind
Orientation: Bisexual
Power Level: A+

Interests & Dislikes:

Hobbies: Researching magic/Making potions/Grooming/Chess/Causing suffering/Spreading corruption/Taxidermy/Cooking/Origami

-Brewing and drinking teas, also likes wines
-Mastering more magic
-Neo-Asian fashion
-Having his horns and wings stroked
-Classy people
-Death, destruction, suffering, etc...
-Sex, and lots of it
-Along with torture
-Watching plays, operas, movies, ballets, entertainment really

-Stubborn people, up until they break
-Boorish people and idiots
-Bright clothing/colors
-Junk food
-Places of purity, positive emotions, few spots of suffering, etc...
-Having his appearance mussed up without his permission
-Rude people
-Being interrupted when he's talking or doing hardcore research
-Messiness (unless in certain cases, like making a victim bleed, etc...)

-Not capable of flight in his demon form.
-Generally has at least two crows on him at all times, and yes, they are named Huginn and Muninn.
-Likes drinking his tea with some blood added to it
-Doesn't mind eating sentient people and will do so on occasion while they're still alive.
-Good friends with the residents of Crimson Chateau and often stays for many years until going off to spread some destruction in a place that needs it.
-Accomplished chessmaster!
-An excellent medical doctor and has published several papers and produced several beneficial medicines, notably those that help deal with schizophrenia, paranoia, and chronic nightmares...
-He doesn't like it if you turn down his offer, but often times, it's a trap, because he expected you to turn it down and it gives him free reign to punish.
-Has preserved remains of organisms he likes all around his dwellings.


Corruption Affinity - Capable of controlling and creating corrupted beasts and corrupting nearby organisms and the surroundings. Also capable of creating well-crafted dungeons. Gains a boost to all stats if nearby a sentient corrupted (3%) or heavily corrupted area, and can go up to 12% if in a place with a dense population of corrupted. Also regenerates and regains mana, stamina, etc, faster in areas with high dark intent.

Magic Blasts - Can shoots blast of non-elemental magic.

Murder of Crows - Can form up to 20 crow familiars at once that must be struck directly to be destroyed. Crows can absorb some of the light in an area and create a dense aura of intense fear and listening to their cawing for too long can cause hallucinations and disorientation. Can see and hear and talk through them as well and they can shoot beams of non-elemental magic as well.

Reset Healing/Mind Heal - Powerful form of healing that resets body and mind to original/optimal settings and is very skilled with this. Capable of influencing the percentage though, so can reset just a little or completely. Can heal loss of limbs and major organs, more easily if well-rested. Capable of making the process deeply uncomfortable. Can even bring someone dead back to life if they had died within the past 12 hours and retain at least 70% of their body. Also capable of influencing the mind, bringing it to a "healthier" state or dulling mental agony.

Satan's Eye - Monstrous left eye with various 'modes' of activation. Currently has mastered two, and in the process of mastering a third. Switching to a different mode takes 10 minutes and each mode has a different appearance for his eye. Overuse of these abilities can cause blood tears, migraines, disorientation, and loss of consciousness.
Mode 1 - Nightmare Manifestation - Can see what a target's worst creature fear is and manifest it in a highly warped and macabre form. (For instance, warping a fear of bees into a gigantic bee with way too many eyes and legs) Can strike up to four targets. Eye looks like a snake's.
Mode 2 - Curse Casting - Can cast curses in this mode and inscribe the hex on a person. Can cast chronic pain, certain illnesses (colds, fevers, migraines, etc), muteness, blindness, and deafness. Eye has the image of a satanic star.
Mode 3 - Vacuum - Can cause sensory deprivation for a minute. Can also send someone into a vacuum and deprive them of air, but requires intense concentration and has a limit of three minutes. Eye has the image of a detailed swirl.

Shapeshift - Can turn into a human version of himself or a purplish-tinged crow. Crow is capable of showing up in immense size and can also turn himself into a flock of them.

Vamping - Vamps on negativity such as fear, pain, suffering, etc, particularly likes agony caused by torment. 

Enhanced Senses & Body

Weaves: Alert/Barrier/Bind/Detect/Mind Browsing/Repair/Pocket Space/Teleportation/Transfiguration

-Needs to vamp every week
-Not too good with physical combat skills, totally a mage
-Bright light, especially unexpected flashes, cause great pain and disorientation
-Weak to light affinity and purification magic