Mike Costa



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Michael Costa

Nicknames: Mike, Mikey, 

Age: 24

Gender: Non-Binary Transman

Pronouns: Prefers He/Him, They/She is also fine

Sexuality: Gay 


Extra info:

-Parents are Italian, specifically from Sicily

-Birthday is July 27th 1960

-Idiot who wears sunglasses indoors

-Favorite number is 13

-Used to really like sharks as a kid, wears a lot of cheap shark tooth jewelry for the nostalgia

-Terrible impulse control, works off of brief bursts of inspiration, gets burnt out easily

-Buys little gifts for everyone, tries to be observant and loves it when others get things for him. Gift giving is like. One of the main way he affections

-Talks fast but usually talks clearly enough to where understanding him isn’t an issue. Has a million thoughts per minute

-Speaks Italian pretty fluently, well enough to engage in conversation and translate for his mom and the rest of his family

-Used to play soccer when he was younger and was really good at it 

-Puts a lot of emphasis on dressing fashionably. He likes mixing up his outfits a lot and veers from masc to fem pretty often just because he finds it personally fulfilling. He has a bunch of pairs of sunglasses (some of which he definitely did not buy) and tries to coordinate them with his outfits. Greatly prefers warmer weather but because he has lived his whole life in Chicago, he can definitely tolerate the cold. 

-Used to work at a drive-in movie theater and then after it closed down, he got a job bussing tables at a local American style diner and he still works there now as a waiter

-His facade of being a “cool guy” is paper fucking thin. He’s hyper-aware of how easy he is to read and how “needy” and emotional he is.

-Incredibly expressive, talks a lot with his hands, very overdramatic in his face and body language (especially his eyebrows when he’s wearing glasses). Very casually physically affectionate. 

-Earrings are almost always asymmetrical, either only one earring or two different. Will occasionally wear matching earrings for fancier occasions. Snakebite piercings are optional 

-Shortest at 5'3"


Outfit inspo [Pinterest]