Ellaria Alathaere



2 years, 9 months ago


Character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.
  • Ellaria Ariinwe ‘len Caemiille Aelsenil Astiinwe ‘ata Aslan Rianiil Ilmaesne ‘cal Alathaere
    • 398 as of 4e 201, born the 31st of Frostfall under The Lord.
    • Pansexual with a strong preference for femme folk.
    • Cis female (she/her)
    • 7' 

  • To make a long story short - born in Shimmerene into a well-of family with a legacy known for training and breeding osprey for use in falconry. Served the Dominion as a soldier almost all of her life.
    • Had an arranged marriage with an Altmer woman named Lynaiithe. They did not do well together. They had three children together but eventually got divorced; a mark on both of their reputations.
    • Served in the Great War and came home pregnant after a night spent with a Nord soldier. She was exiled as an Aprax after giving birth and has been traveling Tamriel as a mercenary and sellsword ever since.
    • Not really important, but is Calsydren's cousin through her mother's missing sister, and Elenwen's cousin through another one of her mother's siblings.

  • Her three children with her ex-wife, Lynaiithe, and one with a Nord from a one night stand.
    • Loras, her eldest, is ~250-300 years old. Trans male. Left Alinor/Summerset to explore Tamriel many, many years ago. The last Ellaria heard of him, he had spent a few years with a clan of Bosmer in Valenwood. Perhaps her only child with a mildly positive opinion of her.
    • Ayrenn is the older sister of a set of twins, ~240-290 years old (ten years younger than Loras). A politician through and through, though her mother's exile was certainly a scar on her reputation.
    • Arianwe is the younger twin, a skilled mage.
    • Azuriel is her youngest, only twenty-six. He was the product of a one night stand with a Nord soldier during the Great War. Ellaria last saw him when he was a newborn and assumes he was killed by the Thalmor soon after her exile.

    • Gets stranded in Westeros through undecided means - most likely an Oblivion portal. Gets dumped out in the Winterfell courtyard.
      • This is a few months or so before the events of the events of GoT S1 take place.
    • Bonds with the Stark family; mainly becomes close with Catelyn.
  • There are a lot of blanks I need to fill in here, please excuse that lol.
    • Travels south with Sansa and Arya and vows to keep them safe.
      • And she does!
        • But that would be spoiler talk if I ever actually get to writing a legitimate fanfic.