
  • Kaitlyn Helden

  • Age 135
  • Gender Female
  • Race Corrupted Elf
  • Role Damage Dealer
  • Speciality Strength

Foul Torrent

The Caitlyn of another world, who became a twisted version after bonding with a corrupted gem.


  • Two Large Swords

Fighting Style:

  • Gets in close so she can slash at them with her swords
  • Can manipulate blood to use against foes

General Notes:

  • TBD

Trivia and Misc Info:

  • The first concept for Kaitlyn came from a commission Otocai did where he drew a corrupted version of Caitlyn. I considered making it into an evil version of Caitlyn, especially as I'm a fan of "evil mirror world doublegangers" like Anti Eternia He-Man.
  • While Caitlyn is a very reserved woman, Kaitlyn is much more brash and open about what she wants.
  • Kaitlyn's blood manipualtion works on whatever blood is in her surrounding. She tends to prefer using blood that's already been spilled and the blood of others, but will use her own if no other options exist.

 "How will you entertain me?" 

Height 5 foot 7 inches/1.74 meters

Weight TBD kgs/TBD lbs

Innate Power Blood Manipulation

Alignment Chaotic Evil

Personality Passionate; Driven; Chaotic

Main Colour Red

DOB June 13th

Hobby Reading

Musical Taste Anything Energetic

Positives Highly intelligent

Negatives Can be destructive when angry





  • Books
  • Being entertained
  • TBD
  • TBD


  • People who damage/destroy books and knowledge
  • People who won't entertain her
  • TBD
  • TBD

The Corruption

In another timeline, the beings who fought against it's barrier had corrupted the gems. Although they were now coloured a crimson red, the elves were none the wiser and thus the gems were still given to the their chosen champions. Upon bonding, all six of them became corrupted and within hours the six had killed all in their village. Soon, humans, vampires and monsters also fell victim to them.

Learning of the Multiverse

While searching through archives, the corrupted elves learned of the multiverse. Leaving their dimension behind, they went looking for more life to kill and were curious to meet their counterparts.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.

Caitlyn Yalden

[ Counterpart ] Aware of the multiverse, Kaitlyn is curious to meet her counterparts in other worlds. She has a vague memory of who she was before the corruption and is curious to see if they're as she remembers herself once being.


[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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