beausregaurd gummary



2 years, 10 months ago



Name Beausreguard C.G. Gummary
Called Beaus/Goose
Age 32
Gender Male
Height 6'6
Build Lanky--like Gumbee
Race Caucasian
Role He's got a demon stalker
Demeanor Dreamy, Sleepy
Alignment Chaotic Good
Theme Song link


  • Animals
  • Hot Cocoa
  • Doing activities w/ his dog
  • People-watching


  • His weird laugh
  • How none of his clothes fit
  • Confrontation
  • Raising his voice




Something is always in danger of catching on fire. He burnt SOUP somehow.

Has a Stutter

He didn't really realize it until he was older, but he always struggled with a slight stutter. Beaus always figured that because he's on the shyer + more awkward side, it caused his words to jumble. But, in reality, he just had an undiagnosed stutter. It's not as severe in his older years.

Got a teeny-tiny doggy

His bestest friend for a long time was his trusty dog, Karen. She's an itty-bitty pom-chihuahua creature that he found stuck under a gate. She fits into the palm of his enormous hands, and they cuddle together every night.


Beausreguard is a very sweet and genuine guy who could never hurt a fly. He'd catch the fly, make it a little carboard house along with a little paper-roll bed, and pray it wants to stay. He is clumsy to an uncomedic level to where it's sheer luck that he's still alive. Along with his impenetrable luck comes unmatched stupidity. Beaus is genuinely a dumb fella with the best of intentions.

First Encounter

Beausreguard Cynfael-Garroth Gummary was born on the outskirts of Louisiana at the turn of the 20th century. Beaus’ family owned a little house squished between wetlands and enormous trees that hid them from the sun. His father hailed from France, so the main language spoken at home was French. Growing up, he found that his parents had an odd aversion to showing him affection and yet they devoted so much more time and money to his education and health than his two older sisters. Florence and Angelica are about five years his senior and are identical twins. When he lived with his family, Beaus found his sisters to be cruel and unfair to him. They went as far as to shove him down a well once. Hours later, Mortimer(his father) found out and pulled the red-faced and crying boy from the depths. The hate his sisters felt for him was completely out of jealousy, but Beaus still wanted them to love him like family, so he’d go out of his way to make them things, and help them in any way possible but, they just ended up thinking he was a pushover.

On the other hand, the relationship between him and his father was strange, and, even as an adult, Beaus has no idea what was being thought behind his eyes. Mortimer was odd in every way possible. He was silent and stoic like a cold statue looming over him. Literally looming over him, too–the man is 6’10. It always seemed like Mortimer had something he wanted to tell his son, and Beaus could only pray that it was “I love you, son.” But, it never happened. The man was strict about keeping Beaus in the house at night, and teaching him to aim, but to NEVER shoot and kill something within the vicinity of their house. Sometimes, Mortimer would leave in the dead of night with his pistol, and Beausreguard would attempt to follow him into the woods. But…just one glare from his father made him feel this impending fear that convinced him that whatever he was doing outside was best kept outside.

His mother, Helda, was a different case. She was much younger than his father, from Poland, with a warm aura to her and kind eyes. Above the other members of his family, Beaus found himself closest to her. They’d knit, tend a garden, and smile together. Unfortunately, even she restrained herself from hugging or kissing him. Every time Beaus brought her a flower, a card, a piece of him that he wanted her to have, he could see the tears well up in her gaze and her throat bobbing to hold back words. Like his father, it was like she wanted to tell him something. Unlike Mortimer, though, she couldn’t hold in her feelings. One night, just before Beaus was about to attend boarding school for the year, she fell to her knees and pulled him into the first hug he’d ever gotten from her. She cried silent tears into his fluffy red hair and all he could do was sob and grasp onto her for as long as he could. Little did they know, Mortimer stood from behind a cracked door with disapproving eyes. Not at Beausreguard, but Helda.

The Devil Went Down to Georgia

(WIP HONESTLY DON"T READ THIS RAHAHHA) Soon, he was sent to a French boarding school out in the country. To cut to the chase, he spent more time at school than at home. He even stayed at the school for a couple summers. He was very unsocial, and only spoke when spoken to. So, he used the time he should've been using to make friends to study French. The school mainly consisted of Bible's translated in French, dictonaries, and classic poetry. It was boring, but Beaus thought he'd impress his family, and maybe girls, if he spoke French. Then, Beausreguard was given a letter by an unknown person one day, telling him to meet at a certain spot in the woods behind the school. He complied, thinking he'd get some friends out of this. Instead, he got there and found out that they didn't want his frienship, but his body as a sacrafice. (Slight Content Warning: Cultish Blood Stuff) Without warning, he was held down and they carved large cuts into his palms. Beaus didn't understand what was happening, but managed to escape before anymore harm could be done. Little did he know, the worst had already happened, and his blood had been used to awaken a very unpleasant being that night...



John Ricci [ friends/work-husbands ]

Him and this grumpy little man go back a long time. They first met at work where they both steered clear of each other. Beaus found him to be scary for his size, and John thought Beaus was just a strange man who talked too, and then talked too little. Eventually, John found himself sharing lunches with Beaus when he realized the man showed up with no food everyday. This then turned into John silently making extra food to give to Beaus. The tall man would try to say thanks, but John got so embarrased and flustered every time that it just became a silent appriciation between them. One day, John made Beaus meet his brother, basically setting them up on a playdate because he's an ally and wanted them to be gay besties. It worked--but it also drew them closer. Now, they're like work husbands :D


Stag Reiner [ enemies-to-friends-to-enemies-to-??? ]

Stag is the strangest person Beaus has ever met. He often threatens to kill Beaus, but the redhead doesn't realize it and just giggles and calls him silly. Stag HATES him at first. The only reason he tolerates Beaus is because they share the same friends, and Beaus always somehow ends up giving him money. Though they're dynamic completley changes when they realize they have a common enemy... And, eventually, that spite is diluted by foggy emotions that Stag hates even more than he *thought* he hated Beaus.


Tomie [ acquaintances? hero? ]

This feral little demon boy goes on to save Beaus' life one day--or, attempt to. But the man Tomie saves isn't the same sweet and oblivious Beausreguard that he was in the 1920s...


Bernard [ Boyfriend(in another story) ]

The hijnks that these two lovebirds get up to in a different story I have with Grimmshaw are stupendous. They're so dumb that they aren't even dating yet, and it's been like TWO YEARS of them unable to stop slobbering over each other. Beaus can't go three seconds without thinking about Bernard-

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