Kasey Yoshino




He misses them.

.: Overview :.

Basic Info

Age: 20 (When the incident happened)

Status: ???

Height: 172.72cm.

Sex: M.

Aliases: KC, Albino Oxob, and AMP.

Weight: 162 pounds/73.482 kilograms, but 122 pounds/55.338 kilograms without his prosthetic limbs. 

DOB/DOD: August 5th, 4002 - ???

Sexuality: Heterosexual, but that won't stop him from acting sus :)

Accent/Dialect: General/Basic American Accent, but sometimes slips into an light, American Hood Accent when in an upbeat mood.

Likes: Adrenaline Rushes, binge-watching TV Shows, cold weather, watching fights, energy drinks, cold breezes, coffee, root beer, the smell of campfire smoke, and practically all kinds of meats.

Dislikes: People who drag their sentences and words for too long, hot weather, tea, bugs, the dark, and sleep deprivation. 

General Goals: Go out with a bang in life, have fun when possible and not let the grudges of life bring him down, and keep himself afloat in rent. 

Religion: None.

Leisurely ActivitiesUsing his abilities to fling himself across buildings, scale buildings, do aerial tricks when leaping off the tops of buildings, and urban exploration.





DJ Shuriken666 - BRAINLOSS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyBEjIsi9x8)


Stable State

Kasey is a white stickman with azure blue eyes and a messy ponytail. He can typically be found sporting a burgundy hoodie striped with neon green on the sides of the sleeves, and an unknown logo on the back, along with dark grey sweatpants with orange stripes off to the sides that break off into smaller rectangles the lower down the pants they go. 

Whenever Kasey's prosthetics experience a hard impact such as a blunt blow, the area of the prosthetics that was hit appear to reveal a small hexagon pattern lit up in either neon blue or neon pink/red, depending on which state he's in. 

Unstable State

Overdrive State


Stable State

Unstable State

This personality still goes by the name Kasey, but is much more serious and dangerous than regular Kasey. Unstable Kasey appears calloused to any kind of violence or gore, and with this, lacks any real emotion when fighting or even ending a life if needed. Unstable Kasey is blunt and straight to the point with his responses, often shooting down a conversation to avoid excess chatter. He also never leaves his monotone voice either, rarely showing excitement, grief, or even anger, which also leaves him with a poker-face even when actively partaking in a fight. 

*NOTE: It does appear through Unstable Kasey attempts to keep himself as the predominant personality over Regular Kasey and Overdrive Kasey, but mostly over Overdrive Kasey, as he's aware of Overdrive Kasey's existence and wishes to avoid manifesting him at all costs due to his destructive nature.*

While not being a deranged individual such as Overdrive Kasey, Unstable Kasey displays psychopathic behaviors whenever manifested (Usually he's manifested from a battle Kasey is in, but there is the small chance Unstable or Overdrive Kasey are able to drive Regular Kasey into sapping out energy from a power grid so they can be manifested), and this often results in Unstable Kasey showing little to no care for others around him or who he is fighting, and lethal force on his part is MUCH more frequent, as he sees it as more efficient and cleaner to pull off. 

Although Unstable Kasey displays all the characteristics of a cold-hearted psychopath, he still holds some care for a select few people close to him. His ways of showing he still cares may be morally questionable at best, but he still has a heart. 

Overdrive State


Kasey by default has enhanced strength strong enough to stop a 90 mph car in place. What gives him is powers are his prosthetics. The prosthetics in question have been forged to absorb incoming enemy attacks and convert whatever form of energy the attack contained into a special kind of energy meant to be stored within the prosthetics. This stored energy can be used to beef up Kasey's normal jumps, kicks, punches, or speed, or multiple or all at once. Although he cannot fly, he can leap up to 1375 meters into the air (When Stable).

It can be noted that Kasey has 3 notable forms, depending on how much energy he currently has absorbed. 

Containing 0J-4.184e+17J of energy, he is in what is known as his stable form. The name is self explanatory, it's his most viable form, and the form he's almost constantly in. Visually, he may either look as normal as he usually is seen unpowered, but if in a fight, can be observed to "glow". His pupils begin to emit a dim neon light, and the blue areas of his prosthetics begin to radiate a neon blue light and glow. His body temperature will also rise along with this sudden change, creating small spurts of steam coming off his body to, though its quite rare to see steam come off of him in his stable form. His attacks can range from the usual kicks, throws, and punches, to full blown energy blasts. If Kasey has energy to spare, he can direct stored energy to say, a fist that's about to be hurtling towards someone's face, and charge it up to strike even faster and harder. This can apply to his jumps. He can direct energy to his legs to send himself soaring into the air or straight at someone, traveling at average speeds of 316.5mph. Though energy-costly, Kasey can focus stashed energy into a concentrated blast or flurry or of small beams of concentrated thermal energy. This energy can typically incinerate typical materials such as building walls, pretty much all household materials, and evaporate concrete. 

This isn't Kasey anymore. Well, the regular Kasey that is. The sheer amount of energy surging through his body has taken a toll on his mind, creating a personality that manifests itself every time Kasey enters this state. This personality still goes by the name Kasey, but is much more serious and tactical than the regular Kasey. Unstable Kasey appears calloused to any kind of violence or gore, and with this, lacks any real emotion when fighting or even ending a life if needed. 



Blocking: Just blocking any kinds of attacks, so long as it's with his prosthetic limbs. Any attack blocked by them has its electric, kinetic, and or thermal energy absorbed into the limbs, stopping any damage from coming to Kasey's way, but also allowing the neat trick of him being technically unmovable under the right circumstances, no matter how strong the blow, so long as he blocks it. 

Spiced Punch: Just a regular punch, but given a kick of energy to an arm or both arms for a faster and stronger impact.

Spiced Kick: Just a regular kick, but given a kick of energy to a leg or both legs for a faster and stronger impact.

Spiced Leaps: Just a normal jump, but given a kick of energy to the legs to give Kasey an extra couple hundreds of meters in his jump height.

Cannonball: When in the air, Kasey expels a moderate amount of energy in a certain direction to sent himself hurtling into a different direction in the air. Depending on if Kasey released a large enough amount of energy, the effects can act almost like his "Launcher" move to anyone nearby. 

Launcher: Kasey lets out a kinetic shockwave, launching away any nearby people or objects away from him.

Wall Run: By keeping one hand out and angled towards the ground and ejecting kinetic energy with said hand, Kasey can stay running on a wall for prolonged periods of time without succumbing to gravity eventually pulling him back down to the ground.

Surge: A flurry of electric bolts shoot out of Kasey's body and last for only seconds at a time, and maybe less, as they only extend outwards from his body until reaching a solid surface or if they stray too far from his body. 

RapidsChanneling stashed energy to his arms, Kasey turns it into a blend of kinetic, thermal, and electric energy, and releases some of his stashed energy in bursts or a flurry of small projectiles that combust on contact to a solid object. 

Geysers: Rather than releasing energy in a flurry of small projectiles like his impulse attack, Kasey blasts out larger and stronger projectiles/beams at a much slower rate compared to his impulse attack. 

Incinerator: Kasey unleashes a superheated shockwave capable of melting concrete (Only capable of doing this in Unstable Form)

Eraser: A limb or limbs of choice of Kasey's superheats itself until glowing a vibrant white, blue, and pink. A kick or punch from one of these superheated limbs will melt through a regular person with no difficulty (very much like a lightsaber in behavior), making it absolutely necessary to dodge any oncoming strikes from a superheated limb. Though, due to the sheer amount of energy needed to do this, Kasey can only afford to do this in very short intervals, in order to conserve energy. 

After-Image: Kasey travels at break-neck speeds, creating after images of himself that can range from 1 to over two dozen at once. (only capable of doing this in Overdrive Form).

Second Sun: Kasey takes all of his energy and releases it in one massive explosion of thermal and kinetic energy, blasting away or incinerating anything caught in his attack's path. The downside to this is Kasey loses all energy he had previously stashed, and is now running on an empty tank. 

Reconstruction: When severely or fatally injured, energy is directed to Kasey's body to repair and replace injured tissue and bone. Even if most of Kasey's body is gone, so long as his prosthetics are intact and has enough energy, he can survive most and if not all kinds of attacks that are certain death.