


8 years, 11 months ago


Character Name: Elis
Age: 20 / 243 (1 human year = 12 demon years)
Personality: Perpetually Bored, Trigger Happy , Egotistic to a fault, passive-agressive, incredibly funny, absolutely no filter , extreme attention to detail
Elis is a special ops "Air Squadron" member. She's been in the army for a while (approx 140 years) and she's specially trained in 'flight sniper'. She can shoot up to 200 shadow-acid balls per minute whilst flying at high speeds. She exists in a militaristic alternate universe, in the demon realm.
She has a younger sister and a jerk of a father. Her mother is missing in action and she's taken after her mother and joined in the army. She's easily bored and enjoys shooting acid-balls at random things. She's overly egotistic, especially about her abilities and as much as everybody else hates to admit, she's got the skills to back up her ego. Her attention to detail is borne out of training and necessity and she's incredibly frank, even to superior officers. Make no mistake, she is not a nice person

Red or Black wings (please don't use other colors) preferably small/medium wings. Demon , does NOT have a tail, definitely needs a tail and horns. Wears boyish clothes. definitely prefers pants or shorts . Military uniform/inspired things definitely appreciated. Short/Medium hair in a neon/bright color (or like a mohawk/punk kind of hairstyle). Anything except blue for the eyes please