


2 years, 9 months ago




50955071_ajsggGzVD8OvYeG.gif Apple 50955071_ajsggGzVD8OvYeG.gif



Apple is an alien deity from a distant world of Pomadrus! She has travelled far from her home world to explore what other worlds have to offer until settling down with her favorite to make friends and raise her children! She is apart of the Pomadra speices, entities made entirely out of purée of fruits or vegetables and being able to morph and alter the form of their bodies. For Apple, she is made entirely out of cinnamon flavored applesauce, hence her name! She is even edible,, but she would greatly appreciate it if you dont try to consume her LOL... 

Apple is passive and very friendly! she loves learning about different things, cultures, customs, or anything in general thats different from where she originated from. because she's still new to learning the customs of... wherever my ocs generally live... lol.... she often comes off as being naive!! apple is also very sweet and very nurturing in nature so she is very good with those who are young! she does her very best to look out for them and her friends and make sure they know that they are loved by her! 

Apple does not have the heart to hurt others in any kind of way but will only make an exception as a last resort if someone close to her is in danger. Like a mother, she can be very protective of not only her children, but her friends as well! but at the same time, she would much rather work things out peacefully with nobody getting hurt ^-^ she is even willing to make sacrifices to appease others in expense of her own well-being.

She is also capable of portal-travel. the portal she opens up often leads to other destinations, but there is one she can open up which is an entirely new dimension but serves as a place for her to retreat and calls home. It's kind of like opening up a portal and your house is just. there LOL. It's not like a whole world, but it can be as big or small as she wants it to be, It's like,, a customizable void... I don't know how to explain this better it just makes more sense in my head LAWL,, most adult Pomadras are capable of doing this! She could.. even open a portal to take her back to her home world with an amulet she has stored away... it would just take more strength and energy to do this but it's not impossible! However, she hasn't done this in many years. there is a reason why she left in the first place. She has been very happy n content in this world that the thought of returning home hasn't even crossed her mind.

Apple is known for her current 3 "children" that she calls as a group, the Applettes! She reproduced them asexually. However, within her species, they would be seen merely as minions, or servants and not seen as children, but Apple raises them like her own young. the applettes have a deep fascination with plants and flowers and all kinds, so together they go around fertilizing flowers and plants and helping them grow! as Apple observed the applettes being very passionate about plants had apple develop admiration for them too so she enjoys being surrounded by nature! this would eventually lead to her meeting Bapple as her applettes took great liking to him and his farm! Apple is now happily married to Bapple and lives with him on his farm, aiding him in taking care of his orchard of apple trees and other crops! :3

57211883_MM6kKeoSfiKZewN.gif Her playlist!  57211883_MM6kKeoSfiKZewN.gif

