Rotraud Cousland



2 years, 9 months ago


NAME: Rotraud Adelheid Chafourier-Cousland

ALIAS: Grey Warden, The Hero of Ferelden

AGE: 29 (DAO) 

RACE: Human

GENDER: Cis Female (She/Her)


HOMETOWN: Highever, Ferelden


CLASS: Warrior Champion/Reaver

ALIGNMENTS: Neutral Good

SINS: Pride + Wrath


LANGUAGES: King's Tongue (Common)

STAR SIGN: The Scorpion

ENNEAGRAM: 8w7 The Nonconformist

TAROT: The Chariot

Physical Aspects

HAIR: Straight coarse dark red hair with a braid tied in the back 

EYES: Intense hazel/brown eyes

SKIN: Pale lightly freckled skin

HEIGHT: 5'8"

WEIGHT: 230 lb

BUILD: Stout/Powerbuilder-esque

SCARS: She's a warrior. Guess


FATHER: Teyrn Bryce Cousland

MOTHER: Teyrna Eleanor Chafourier-Cousland

BROTHER: Teyrn Fergus Cousland

SIL: Oriana Cousland

NEPHEW: Oren Cousland

S/O: Zevran Arainai

DOG: Dog

ROMANCED: Was initially very charmed by Alistair, but she realized that they were not meant to be as he was to become King of Ferelden. Also had a small aside with Leliana, which was mostly a one-sided relationship with flirting. Became intrigued with Zevran, falling for his persistent flirtation and flattery, which she initially considered very annoying. She was also interested in his stories of Antiva and other places he had gone on assassin work, as she knew little of the countries outside Ferelden, aside from Orlais. 

FINAL ROMANCE: Zevran. Once she pushed past his barriers and saw how he put them up to avoid getting hurt in love, she committed herself to him. When he left for Antiva, it was not long after that she followed after him, helping him settle his business with the Crows. 

PERSONALITY: Raised as royalty, Rotraud is very aware of the social graces of high society, but refuses to play those games. She is very straightforward and often blunt, which often comes across as rude, but she simply wishes to get straight to the point. Rotraud detests lying and is openly rude towards those she holds a disliking of. 

COMBAT STYLE: As a warrior, Rotraud is not afraid of being in the fray of the battle. She often charges to the frontlines to get in on the action. She utilizes both her sword and shield as weapons and defenses alike. 

FAV ATTACK: She enjoys charging into enemies with her shield, knocking them prone before striking with her sword. 

PET PEEVES: Social Graces, Small Spaces, Arse Kissers, People trying to convert her, Places that don't allow dogs, Touchy people, and Small Spaces

PARTY: Zevran, Morrigan, and Sten

OPINION OF CHANTRY: Rotraud is not the particularly religious type. Part of her does believe in a higher power, but is skeptical of an organization that claims to know how people should live their lives, and tells them if they're doing it wrong. However, she is supportive of the humanitarian aspect of the Chantry, and especially under Divine Leliana's supervision. While she does not totally define herself as Andrastian, she does often look to Andraste's teachings for guidance. 

BEST MEMORY: Reuniting with Zevran in Antiva

WORST MEMORY: Her family fucking dying