Ulric Faust



2 years, 8 months ago


Quiet stoic and unchanging teacher. The rock that Myra needs.

Rico (Ulric) Sanchez Rodrigues Faust
Gender | Male(He/Him) |
Age | 32 |
Date of Birth | August 10 |
Place of Birth | Tampa, Florida |
Horoscope | Leo |
Race/Ethnicity | Cuban |
Sexuality | Bisexual |
Height | 6'1" |
Religion | Pagan |
Occupation | High School English Teacher |
Diet | Vegan |
Mental Conditions | Autism, OCD |
Physical Conditions | None |
Languages | Spanish(Fluent), English(Fluent) |
Fashion Board | X |dfxpa2x-712dd398-147d-4697-898a-285d93c4“I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air."

+ Calm, Eloquent, Focused, Intelligent
= Dry, Reserved, Intense
- Blunt, Pretentious, Nihilistic

+ Reading, libraries, quietness, candles, darkness, suits, perfumes, relaxing, staying up late, rain, cuddles

 Loud noises, clubs, dancing, children under 12, social media, summertime

Favourite Music
Vomer, Faith & The Muse, Cocteau Twins, In the Nursery, PHANTOM, Lizard Pool, Pixel Grip, Aurelio Voltaire, Clan of Xymox,Boy Harsher, Depeche Mode, The Frozen Autumn

Favourite Movies
Bram Stokers Dracula, The Picture of Dorian Grey, Wuthering Heights, Sense and Sensibility, 1984

Favourite Foods
Tamale, empanada, arroz con maiz, banana, nutritional yeast, horchata

Favourite Animals
Greyhounds, crows

Drawing Tips
+ His hair is messy and teased up similar in style to Robert Smith

     Ulric was born in Tampa, Florida on August 10. His childhood was a very normal one with a loving middle class family. He excelled in school but disliked making friends. When he was 13 years old his family moved to Vancouver, British Columbia for his mothers career. Here he began calling himself Ulric as a fresh start.

     He met his future wife Myra when he was 15 years old and they eloped at 18 years old. Despite not really being able to support themselves they moved out together and struggled through life while working multiple jobs.


Opened up his marriage 5 years ago and now him and his wife are polyamorous

Changed his name as an edgy 13 year old and never changed it back. His parents and extended family still call him Rico

Huge fan of the classics of gothic literature; Dracula, The Picture of Dorian Grey, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde

Very boring and dry teacher who loves to do long lectures that take the whole class to get through

Honest to a point. Offends many people

Loves to use very large words no one understands

Does a crosswords puzzle everyday as part of his morning routine

Does not own a single casual outfit and is always overdressed

Collects very old publications of his favourite books

Has 3 identical black cats named Nyx, Grimm, and Poe. Unlike his wife he can't tell the difference between them but claims his favourite is Grimm

Very particular with his routines and one thing out of order ruins his whole day

Despite growing up in Florida he hates the heat and summertime


Myra - Wife,  We have been together for so long it feels like we are one. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Lydia - Sibling-In-Law, I don't really know much about Lydia... It seems to run away from me

Indigo - Brother-In-Law, I never vibed well with Indigo he is so... out there

Mother: Sierra 57, News Anchor
Father: Enrique 56, Taxi Driver
Younger Brother: Fabio 29, Lawyer
Younger Sister: Perla 25, Mural Artist