☆ Sage ☆



2 years, 10 months ago


A very bossy person and loves to get what he wants. He has a big mouth and it gets him into most of the trouble he finds himself in with strangers. If he thinks your outfit is ugly he will tell you even if you didn’t ask. He only does this with the best intentions since he “wouldn’t want anyone to walk around like that”. He is playful but tone deaf and doesn’t know how to read a room. He might tease you in an affectionate way and sound dead serious like he is insulting you. He isn’t a hateful person at all and is very social.


He has sharp teeth and had braces at one point

His ears are very sensitive and sometimes get so itchy. 

He has a pollen allergy and sneezes really loud. 

Akli doesn’t see himself as a very productive person since he is definitely a night owl. He usually stays up watching TV or YouTube. 

He keeps his friends on mute and doesn’t like to talk online unless he is forced (the same with phone calls). So if you don’t reach him for days don’t be surprised