


6 years, 8 months ago




lurcher mix





1.a shapeshifter. they're flexible and adaptable, able to alter both physical appearance and behaviour to adapt to different situations and environments. they tend to stick to specific dog breeds as their favourite form. [tbn] is highly perceptive and attuned to their surroundings, and as such mostly observe rather than act-- their intuition leads their actions in most cases, and they don't normally act before they think.

2.creative and imaginative, [tbn] likes to daydream, and can be found lost in their thoughts outside in a scenic spot. they're open-minded and calculating, and enjoy exploring and taking advantage of their different forms to get to areas that have been untouched by others.

3.however, they struggle with their own identity and with feelings of alienation and disconnection from others. despite craving being around others, it's difficult for them to feel like they completely belong anywhere. [tbn] makes up for it with their adaptive personality, and hanging out with different types of people helps them feel less alone.


1.when they were younger, [tbn] didn't quite feel like they fit in. they struggled to find their place in the world, never quite feeling comfortable in their own skin. it wasn't until they discovered they could change their physical form that they finally felt a semblance of belonging.

2.[tbn] first changed to blend in a bit more to their surroundings, choosing different dog breeds at first as they felt the most comfortable staying as a dog. as they grew more confident, they changed into different species of animals (and even the occasional human), adopting mannerisms and speech patterns to try and fit in with different groups. even mythical creatures were included, delighted that they could surprise and wow others. time went on, [tbn] began to realise that their constant changing and adapting was taking a toll on them-- they felt like they were losing their sense of self, unable to establish a sense of purpose or stable identity. because of this, they started wondering if being able to shapeshift was a curse rather than a gift.

4.over time, they once again found that sense of wonder and amazement that they had when they first realised they could shapeshift, and even though they still struggle with their sense of identity, they use their ability to change more as a way to mold their physical appearance to outwardly reflect how they feel inside at that moment, rather than as a way to amuse others. they know they will never be able to fit in, and they still find it hard to cope with, but [tbn]'s accepted that they're different, and they're trying their best to love themself more.


  • can be drawn using any of their alts :) feel free to draw them as a completely different species too, you're not limited!
  • loves birds, running, cold drinks, and gaming.
  • straightedge, keeps themselves healtthy
  • probably a whippet / border collie cross...


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name [friend]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

name [friend]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.