

2 years, 9 months ago


N E G U .

Nobuhiro Satsuki 咲月伸大
Aug 22
Male (he/him)
5' 5"ft | 166cm
Cheri Office
heavy metal vocalist

HEH! I look so cool on stage right?! Praise me MORE-! *intense coughing* I-I'm okay.

The screamo vocalist of a visual-kei, metal band with a soft heart—and a weak stomach...

A music-nerd who’s got duality in voice, music tastes, and personality.

CV (=`ω´=)!!!


“confident” | gentle | helpful | passionate | open-minded

“cocky” | insecure | people-pleaser | naive | push-over | indecisive

The “Confident” (and Cocky?) Act

Ever since he dipped his feet into the world of live performances, Negu finally understood the cruciality of “first impressions”. He realized that if he showed any signs of nervousness, especially in the heavy-metal department, the performance would simply FLOP. Thus, with every possible human interaction, he automatically puts on his “confident” persona he developed on stage. When meeting people, he takes initiative on introductions with an exaggerated, excessively boastful voice. He tells people how great his skills are and sprinkles a few self-compliments for himself to show how bold and confident he is in his own skin. However, despite saying those things about himself he doesn’t really believe it…

On-stage, Negu radiates a “cocky attitude” with a pinch of mischievous aura accompanied by constant smirks. Because this is a front, Negu tends to go overboard with his so-called “confidence” (over-hypes himself), and can be seen as arrogant by some people. During shows, he often provokes his audiences by stating how they can never surpass his loudness level (whatever that means) and that always hype them up somehow. He can get rowdy at times and once accidentally swung his mic stand across the stage, knocking down a mini speaker. This persona is crucial for maintaining his “presence" on-stage, as well as keeping him distracted from his constant self-deprications.

A Gentle Soul, But with Internal Struggles

Acting bold, loud, and rowdy is definitely not Negu's default mode. Negu is actually more gentle by nature—the total opposite of him performing. Right after a show, he would slowly sink into his bean bag chair backstage, kindly ask staff for a bottled water, and nap; knocked out.

Negu has a time-limit of keeping up his “confident” front. If he was in a conversation that lasted for hours, his voice would slowly diminish in volume to the point of mumbling. Negu is a very soft-spoken individual and is laid-back, mostly to people he’s comfortable to be around with. He doesn’t like to hold grudges towards others and forgives them easily. Even his physical mannerisms differ off-stage, where he handles all items with care, carrying things as if they were babies. (He even went back to pick up the mic stand he regrettably threw and apologized to it—and the mini speaker.)

Being seen as the “quiet” kid throughout the beginning of his life, Negu got used to hearing people’s judgements about him. He felt like they had trouble relating to him since he was of few words and had trouble hearing him at times, often asking to repeat himself which made him feel like a burden and lonely. This made him insecure with himself. During his time at school he noticed that the popular kids in class were cool, funny, and left an impression. This made him believe that people are more likable if they show off their confidence or are just interesting. Negu wanted to be just that. From then on he tried his best to appeal to everyone. A people-pleaser. He would use all his brain cells to come up with jokes or anything interesting during conversations and finds it hard saying “no”. Even though his relationships feel shallow, Negu tries his best to be liked so he could fit in somewhere..


An Over-Enthusiastic Helper Can be Naive...

Negu is the type that would gladly lend out a helping hand to anyone who needs it. Since he was self-taught for most of his musical career, he knows the struggles of receiving zero help during crucial times. He would sacrifice his time and squeeze things in-between schedules to offer help; whether it’s pulling all-nighters with his younger relatives to help with hw or staying out late searching for a missing puppy for a kid he just met at the park.

However, his enthusiasm for helping can be a problem that even he isn't aware of, making Negu naive. His selflessness can cause him to overwork himself. He also encounters people that take advantage of him, making him quite a pushover, but sadly doesn’t realize it.

“You’re both right!”

Negu’s people-pleasing has also given him trouble voicing his own opinions and being indecisive. If people were having an argument and demanded what side he was on, Negu would always “agree” to both of them which would annoy/upset some people. This was one of the reasons the band had a rough start since the members often argued while he was just agreeing to everything—even if Negu had some feedback/ideas in his mind that could’ve solved the problem earlier. As of now, he is currently improving and trying to offer his opinions when opportunity hits. But, still a WIP.

The Non-Stop Music Rambler

If there’s one thing that would make Negu talk effortlessly, even without the use of his confident front, it would be his passion for music. He’s the type of person that would talk nonstop about the things they’re into. If you mention anything about metal or classical music, Negu’s face would instantly light up. He’s aware that these genres aren’t as popular with people, since both are so niche. So when someone shows a slight interest in it, he excitedly whips out his notebook full of animal doodles and shows some of his compositions he wrote, be it rock song or piano solos. He would ramble on about song recommendations, glancing at the other person from time to time, sparkly-eyed.

Because Negu grew up in a restricted upbringing, he took great interest in wild music that wasn’t usually heard in his household. After knowing that music is capable of taking different forms, he began exploring other genres. This led Negu to be open-minded to music and eventually practically to everything. He likes exploring new things that haven’t been done before; such as integrating Beethoven composed-melodies into rock songs to inventing weird vegan food abominations.



Negu was raised in an uptight traditional Japanese household. As a child, he became obsessed with music at an early age. Everything changed for him in high-school, when he got “invited” to a concert and heard heavy-metal for the first time. For him, it felt like breaking free from the strictness he lived with at home. Inspired, Negu secretly taught himself to be a metal vocalist and joined a rock band at uni. He struggled; countless weeks of sore throats and family disagreements. Eventually, he was able to join the band and from there, participated in many rock festivals. However, even with a decent following in SM, it was always a struggle for Negu and his band to perform on stage since there was no agency to back them up. Negu was distraught because he didn’t want opportunities to disappear for his teammates who worked really hard. It was until he heard of Cheri Office’s auditions…


Full Story



  • Dyed hair w/ purple highlights. Felt like that he didn't look "metal" enough so he dyed it
  • Hair is naturally dark brown
  • Puts his bangs up when tired or off-stage
  • Always has contacts on. If not, wears large circle lens glasses.
  • Black nail polish
  • Wears fake fangs and dark eyeshadow/lipstick to stick w/ the "vampire" theme


  • Singing (wide range, soft and rough)
  • Screamo voice technique
  • Plays classical piano and the koto
  • Creative arranging, writing music //tries combining genres and styles


  • organizing his large spice rack collection while listening to classical music
  • napping on his kitty bean bag chair
  • playing piano and writing music. Tries converting unplayable things (like rapping, dubstep, screamo) into classical music notation
  • uploading to his secret YouTube channel with softer singing covers known as “tofuCAT"
  • coloring kid’s coloring books while listening to screamo
  • (has a SM hashtag: #coloringwithnegu where he does coloring streams)


< Top Hit Songs >

Magic of Massacre - Akatin

Living Ghost is Alive - Akatin

Outer Science - Akatin


  • Slipknot, Chopin, Tchaikovsky
  • his kitty bean bag chair
  • spicy tofu 💖
  • super spicy food. Basically eats this thing--> 🔥
  • naptime
  • kids coloring books
  • being babied
  • crossdressing 👎
  • heavy physical activity
  • limitations/restrictions
  • sweet food ( ー̀εー́ )👎
  • needles
  • waking up
  • scary movies / rides / sounds
  • his weak stomach ( ;_; )


  • Speaks Japanese, intermediate in Mandarin and English.
  • Has a pet cat named Charleston and frequently visits cat cafe's with him
  • Sometimes he cross-dresses in performances b/c of fan demand (his cheki polaroids sell quickly;;;)
  • His visual kei band is a vampire-cat theme :3
  • Vegetarian bc he can’t digest heavy food, like meat, very well
  • Has a very weak stomach. Lactose intolerant. A light-weight drinker. Had gastroparesis as a child.
  • Hates sweets but can TOLERATE honey lemon (for his sore throats)
  • He watches Aggretsuko and has a plush keychain of her on his bag
  • Refuses to get piercings bc he's scared of needles and practices smug/smirk facial expressions in the mirror DAILY
  • Can fall asleep to screamo but alarm ringtone is Twinkle-little star (music box ver.)
  • Can’t do extreme physical activity and will collapse if exhausted. A weakling.
  • Had a girlfriend back at uni, but broke up because his ex babied him a lot and treated him like the "cute-little-boyfriend-that-needs-to-be-taken-care-of-by-their- reliable-girlfriend".



pet, best friend

Ever since he was a newborn kitten, Negu had always taken care of him. Negu found him as an abandoned stray left in their zen garden. The two became inseparable ever since. Negu never had friends as child because he was at home a lot so Charleston had always been his caring companian, always curling up besides him and purring whenever Negu plays the piano or koto. "Meow, mreoww, nya!♡"



"I am a mom against catboys."