


6 years, 8 months ago


*Based off of my version of perytons. They are nearly immortal beings with only two ways to die: stabbed through the heart with their own antler and the other way unique to each peryton. They have 3 forms. The first is the usual winged deer, the second is human, and the third is a battle form that is a mix of the first two.

Out of the three brothers, Athan is the most difficult due to his headstrong ways and his need to make his place in the world, but thanks to Isaak, he never forgot to laugh, even when he was busy spending most of his time training. He never thought about surpassing his older brother in skill, but he was adamant to become as good a warrior as Isaak. Just like the older male, he wanted to protect his brothers, and one day he was given his chance to show his skills.

The war began, and he did not hesitate to fly headlong into battle. The violence and bloodshed affected him mentally, but it was seeing the broken body of Erasmus that caused him to lose part of himself. He became ruthless, striking down the enemy one after another. He survived the war, but not without injury; a bone in his right wing was shattered and never healed correctly, resulting in that wing becoming a dead weight and adding a permanent limp to his walk.

When the war ended, he tried to have the same attitude as the other survivors, but as the weeks went by he was unable to take the pain in his heart, so he pushed memories and emotions aside. Eventually, he decided he could not stay with the others so he left. Every so often he would return to the place that part of him still considered home, but each visit grew shorter than the last, and he long since stopped speaking during these visits. He can tell that his half dead state breaks Isaak's heart, but that is not enough to pull him back to the living, although a part of him -a part that is buried- does hope that one day he will be back to his old self.