


2 years, 9 months ago


Emmy was created when I started using popjam in the 5th grade!! She wasn't to important by then. Soon I gave her a makeover and she is now a character I use a lot!

Emmy's actual name is Emmilla and is Italian. She doesn't like this name and has decided to change it out when she started her band. She is 22 years old. :]

highly inspired by gyaru fashion.


Emmy is one the characters who spends most of her time making music with Cyrus and Josii. Being the lead singer of vampyes and living a wonderful life, nothing could make her tick. Except Asha, of course. Emmy loves making profit and giving out when she can, even though she's mostly in it for the money. 

When Emmy was younger, she was a nun like her parents once were. They wanted her to be a good little girl and take the path of being a doctor or a lawyer. The other nuns would talk badly about her and would even make her do most of the work.Emmy really had enough and was sick and tired. She tried to take her own life but thought about what her parents would say and/or think. 3 years later Emmy was pretty much a laughing stock of the entire church and was mistreated everywhere she went.

 This happened until, she met Fluffy. Fluffy promised Emmy a better life. Emmy, skeptical at first didn't want to but later accepted. Seeing a fallen angel was no joke and Emmy had to take Fluffy's word for it. As a result, Fluffy only wanted to stay by her and feed off of her success. Once they are separated, Emmy will no longer profit and stay loved as she was now.