


2 years, 9 months ago


Beekeeper / Beepaw / Beekit


Name beekeeper
Sexuality bisexual
Age 29 months (approx. 2.4 years)
Pronouns she/they
Clan shadowclan (formerly thunderclan)
Role warrior
Alignment lawful good


  • opportunistic
  • bitter
  • somewhat lazy


  • songbirds
  • light thunder
  • climbing

Beekeeper is a mostly cheerful and fiercely loyal warrior of ShadowClan. She was exiled from ThunderClan shortly before her warrior's assessment when a murder was pinned on her, and she suffered a violent leg injury on her escape from the territory. This injury took months to heal and still acts up frequently, but they chose to resume their warrior training and duties in ShadowClan as soon as they were allowed. Beekeeper tends to be more positive and energetic than her ShadowClan-born clanmates are used to, but she remains bitter and distant towards her former clanmates in a way that they can appreciate. She is charismatic and talented, and although she is quite lazy, she always fights with renewed interest and motivation to insure justice.



Beekit was born in ThunderClan as the only surviving kit in her litter. She had one older sister from a previous litter, Nightstalk , but they were on bad terms from the start and would only grow to hate each other more as life progressed. Beepaw was naturally talented, and her charisma landed her as one of the most talented and respected apprentices in the clan. But, right before her long-awaited warrior's assessment, a murder was pinned on her by a group of cats in league with WindClan to overthrow ThunderClan's old and senseless leader, Cloudstar. The fact that Beepaw got caught up in the coup relates to three facts; one, Beepaw's loyalty and potential power in the clan could cause trouble for the dissenters, two, one of the rebels was Nightstalk, whose dislike for her sibling made them an easy target, and three, Beepaw was observant and had already began to suspect some of the cats involved. Cloudstar, as paranoid as he was useless, knew of unrest in his clan and threw Beepaw out without a second thought. Beepaw stumbled to ShadowClan on a broken and mangled leg, injured from the chase with ThunderClan . She collapsed on their border and was defended fiercely by ShadowClan, who were familiar and fond of the apprentice (and would love to have any leverage over ThunderClan). They chased off the ThunderClan cats and brought Beepaw back to their camp, the place where she would reside for the rest of her life.

In Recovery

Beepaw was confined to the medicine den for months because of her broken leg. This is where they met their future partner, Aspenpaw, another older apprentice whose assessment had been postponed after he'd been hit by a car. His brother died in this event, and Aspenpaw was left depressed and lonely. Talking with Beepaw and getting her familiar with ShadowClan helped them bond, and they remained inseparable once they left the medicine den and received their warrior names together, Beekeeper and Aspenrush.

Clan Disputes

Once Beekeeper could start attending Gatherings, her presence in ShadowClan became known and a large subject of debate amongst the clans. ThunderClan was infuriated with ShadowClan for harboring a murderer, while ShadowClan displayed it's quiet resistance to Thunderclan's claim by promising war if they pushed the issue and got involved in "ShadowClan business." Fighting quickly followed, mostly battles of pride and principle rather than Beekeeper. Eventually, the rebels went through with their plans of a coup, barely failing before fleeing to WindClan. This added insight pushed ThunderClan's Cloudstar to try for peace with ShadowClan, with ShadowClan's Ebonystar only agreeing so he could focus his efforts on WindClan (providing some kind of second-hand justice for Beekeeper). She was offered a place back in ThunderClan but adamantly and disgustedly refused, saying she had nothing left for ThunderClan and never would.


Beekeeper and Aspenrush take in Beekeeper's nephew, Crowpaw, after he left ThunderClan himself shortly before the failed coup. They practically raise them as their own. Beekeeper and Aspenrush cannot have any kits of their own, so they welcome the opportunity.


  • Beekeeper has existed for five years now! That being said, she is my newest Warrior Cats OC. I have since made background characters, but she is my most recent main (in frequent, ongoing use).
  • My immediate inspiration for them as a character came from a MAP I never watched involving characters I'd never seen. The power of thumbnails and video titles.
  • Beekeeper and Nightstalk were originally Ivypool and Dovewing clones. I'd say this is most obvious in Beekeeper's design, which was heavily inspired by common Ivypool designs (albeit a bit darker). Their stories mirrored the sisters more in the past, but they've been reworked to make this less apparent.
  • Despite the changes outlined above, Beekeeper is definitely the character with the least cumulative design/backstory changes (of my WC characters). Her design remains largely untouched, and her backstory has only experienced tweaks in comparison to the rest of my characters.
  • Beekeeper's in a seperate universe from my other OCs. She flocks alone. They would have gotten tangled in their story, so I gave them their own world.


Aspenrush partner

Aspenrush is a trans tom that Beekeeper bonded with during their shared time in the medicine den. They both harbored jaded feelings towards their situations prior to establishing their connection, and together they helped each other learn to enjoy living again. They both struggle with prominent figures in their lives in a way that cannot be solved by the other, but they are always there for support. Aspenrush is very passionate but cynical, and he often struggles with forgiving others. He is naturally sarcastic and flirty, but what he says doesn't always line up with what he means. Beekeeper excells in reading him, and they often communicate entirely nonverbally.

Nightstalk sister

Nightstalk and Beekeeper's relationship has been troubled since birth, but it was only complicated further in Beekeeper's apprentice years. Once she started to suspect Nightstalk of conspiracy, Nightstalk and the rest of the rebellion set her up for murder and ran her out of camp. Being on two different sides of a war, they became more openly aggressive with each other until Nightstalk's eventual exile. She is quiet and unobtrusive, and you'd hardly know she was there if you weren't watching her. Nightstalk struggles to perform many basic warrior duties, but she easily makes up for it with her intelligent mind and ability to practically melt into shadows when needed.

Crowpaw nephew / adopted son

Crowpaw ran to ShadowClan when his mother Nightstalk warned him of the coming rebellion, although he was instructed to go to WindClan. He found he liked it there and chose to stay permanently, becoming Beekeeper's first apprentice and her and Aspenrush's adopted son (they don't say it aloud, but it's practically there). Crowpaw has his mother's stalking ability and his father's pride, but his introverted and sweet personality lands him best in camp. He loves watching over and protecting cats, and he plans on joining the nursery whenever there are queens or kits to help out.