


2 years, 8 months ago


"Hyssop's symbolic meaning is one of sacrifice, and purity."

If you ask Hyssop about her mission, she'll reply gently that she wishes to never be hurt like she once was again, and to do that, she'll have to take down the various cults of Nephfei. If you ask her about her past, she'll move swiftly onto another topic (nobody wants to hear about a nobody mycology student from Catalis).

Hyssop has a grace to her calm yet steely methods of breaking down cults- planned, structured, growing from stalk to bloom, her methodology works from within to help those who want to leave various cults escape while taking down the systems as a whole. Her plans are well made, carefully constructed, and result in minimal damage- to her and those she wishes to protect, at least. You have to dig up the roots to stop the growth, sometimes.

In a way, there's a sort of martyr nature to her whole mission. Planning her work takes a lot of her thoughts and time, and she has little relaxation time to herself. She'll tell you that it's her calling in life, but it does wear one down... However, she'll never let another nephian be hurt like she once was again- she swears on it.