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[Plus extra art in case of AB2 if AB2 is available].

So  a few thoughts how it might happen. I kept imagining it while drawing,  so why not share. Of course it's not obligatory for future adopt owner
DiTwi  can be sort of "Child of Deception". I see it that way Discord is  really fond of Twilight, well, opposites attracts. But I don't think  Twilight will did it with Discord willingly, and he knew it either, so  he transformed into real pony (with all fits that Twilight had in her  requirement list XD), they started to date, made a child which looks  normal (maybe cause Discord's magic or maybe draconeequus genes appeared  with age). And than Twilight felt bored from her too annoying boyfriend  (after all she already checked the gap "make a child"), and Discord  gets tired of his disguise, so they peacefully broke up, and few years  later young new princess started to grow horns... XD
Idk what  happened next between Twi and Discord, she probably turn his dick into a  stone and hide it so he couldn't ever did such thing again.
And so  DiTwi grew up... whell how about "The End of Equestria" title? Well,  "Another End of Equestria". She didn't understand her mother's anger on  her father and always thought it is on her, so she grew up pretty evil  and angry too. That's Anarchy tattoo stands for. But despite how much  she tried to be chaotic as possible, she inherited her mother strong  will, so words "strong, angry and dangerous" describe most accurately  her abilities and personality.


Ashdei-adopts terms of service:

No Refunds.

If you trade/resell/gift character, let me know the new owner.

After purchasing, you may edit character in new page, as long as the original design is still recognizable.

Use them for any purpose you want.

Сredit me for the design. Ashdei-Adopts | Toyhouse