


2 years, 9 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
$10 - $25


All of my characters currently for sale/trade: https://toyhou.se/SivKyne/characters/folder:2357646 Please take them from me. As much as I once loved them, I no longer have any desire to keep them. While they are worth more than I listed them for, I'll gladly sell them for the listed price. I will also accept character trades. I like canine and feline characters who are very bright and colorful. Anthro or feral are both fine. I also have a specific want for a ​Gihh Bloonde​​​ design. I love her ponies a lot... I will accept art ONLY if the art is offered alongside money and/or a character. Please do not offer only art. Terms of Service? Once I've sold/traded them to you, they're yours. Do whatever you want with them. I genuinely do not have any rules once they're in your hands.