tbn's Comments

could you notify me if this is up for offers- like ever? I love the design .w.

yeah definitely! also im new to this website and i thought i had the folder that design is in probated but I guess it isn’t because 2 people have liked it, do you know how to make a folder private? D:

how much would u be willing to offer for it? :0

Don't know how to make the folder private, ut I could offer someone from my toyhouse? Feel free to list anyone that catches interest!!

You have so many pretty characters! It might take me a little bit to respond I’m working a 10 hour shift rn lolol

respond when you want!!

would u be willing to trade maybe like badgersnow or maskedpaw? if not ill look again it’s so hard to choose from all of them lolol :)

5 Replies