


6 years, 10 months ago



Name: Razorstar
Past Name(s):  Azurekit (unofficial), Razorkit, Razorpaw, Razorgill
Sex: Male
Age: 72 moons/47 years
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Leader
Lives left: 7/9
Past Ranks: Kit, Apprentice, Warrior, Leader
Theme song(s)
Enemies - Shinedown    Natural - Imagine Dragons    Mowglis Road - Marina and the Diamonds     Here's to the Zero's - Marianas Trench ,   
 Take a Break - Hamilton the Musical    , Truth by Seether ,  Teen Idle - Marina and the Diamonds   , Human by Rag'n'Bone Man
  Kids Again -Artist Vs Poet   Worry List - Blue October   E.B.A.H - Tech N9ne   Van Nuys - Sixx AM


Tactful, Wise, Stoic, Vigilant, Understanding,

Quiet, Smooth-talking, Hard-hearted, Logical, Sly


Cold, In-genuine, Dishonest, Cynical, Violent

Likes: Peace, Time spent with loved ones, Talking shit with Flame, Flirting
Dislikes: Bad memories, nightmares, insanity, the world in general, the human/feline race, cruelty, dark thoughts
Fears: His own thoughts and ideas, the past, RiverClan returning to it's previous ways, losing control, losing Flameheart or Falconbreeze, The Place of No Stars
Extra: Suffers from PTSD, Suicidal tendencies, Paranoid Schizophrenia, insomnia,
(For Leaders) Lives Lost: 1, Killed by Bluestream - 2, Killed by injuries during the battle with Latharus's clan


Leadership Skills: 10/10
Strength: 7/10
Attack Skills: 10/10
Endurance: 7/10
Speed: 7/10
Agility: 10/10
Accuracy: 9/10
Patience: 7/10
Intelligence: 8/10
Sanity: 6/10


  Mother: Silverclaw
Father: Foxshadow

   Sibling(s): Trouttail
   Mate(s): Falconbreeze
   Kitten(s): Cricketleap, Troutscale, Tidal, Piranha
Cousin(s): Brick, Cinder
   Grandparent(s): Lynxstrike/Dogpelt, Cove/Whitelight  


Physical Description:
 A lithe tom with spiky, semi-long fur, a long tail, and a triangular face shape.

Fur Texture
 Slightly rough

Fur Length

Pawpads and Nose

Almond shaped and azure

Breed: 75% Oriental Longhair, 25% moggy

   Father: 100% Oriental Longhair

   Mother: 50% Oriental Longhair, 50% moggy



Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Mate: Falconbreeze
Past Mate(s): N/A
Kits/Children: TBA
Status: Taken
Looking For: Not looking


Mentor: none
Past Mentor(s): Minnowrush

Apprentice: N/A
Past Apprentice(s): Autumnpaw, Squirrelbite(?)


Early Life




"A clan of tainted blood... twisted minds, shattered hearts, and disfigured spirits..."

Deputy: Flameheart: "My closest friend. A soul-mate, through and through. She is the strongest person I know, and I would do anything for her. Without her, I would have lost it long, long ago."

Medicine Cat: Cloudspots: "One of many broken souls who survived Hell, pushing through the rest of life. Respected by me."

Falconbreeze: "The phrase "The light of my life" may be over used, but it describes this woman perfectly; She brings out the life in me, the light that I don't have to fake. She gives me a true sense of happiness, which I once thought to be impossible to obtain. I adore every fraction of this woman, and want to give her and our child the best life possible."

Mistysky: "Deeply wounded, but does everything to defend and protect her child. We were never friends, but I respect and understand what she went through."

Smokekit: "The spitting image of Sharkstar. I would be lying if I said his appearance isn't unsettling, but I know he's innocent. He should not have to pay for the crimes of his father."

Sunray: "His mind and heart are twisted with grief. He claims he is what's best for this clan, but I know he is just as damaged as the rest of us... Still... Despite his feelings toward me, I do deeply respect him and I know that he deserves far better than what he's been given."

Tigerscathe: "I know what he was, but he chose to fight with us instead of against us; I don't trust him as much as some clan-mates, but I do not believe he's evil."

Pepperseed: "

Silkfur: "We haven't spoken much outside of work, but I feel a lot of trust for her. She helped her clan when we needed it most, and she stood up for me when no one else knew that I was on their side."

Fernshade: "A kind soul. I knew her when she was just a baby, and watched as she grew up in the shit-end of Hell. She had been tortured and starved just like everyone else, but has managed to pull herself through it miraculously."

Brick: "My cousin, and my own brother's half-brother... Although he didn't live through the devastation of Sharkstar's reign, he did have his own demons abusing him... He deserves a good life."



"A clan who chose to risk their own lives to help fight an enemy that was our own, while the other clans chose to stay out of it. They may not realize how good they have it, but they do deserve well."

Leader: Otterstar: "Soft-hearted, for a leader. I like that about him... I feel hope when I speak to him; The life in his eyes and voice show that not all life has been damaged beyond repair."

Deputy: Whitefoot: "Strong and bright, much like her brother. I can tell she is not naive or ignorant of the world's darkness, yet she's allowed the bliss of a normal life."

Medicine cat: Stormheart: "Deep down, I don't truly care, but in a portion of my mind I judge his sour personality; I guess I don't feel he deserves to portray himself as so unhappy. On the other hand, I know that he is a good-hearted man. He has helped me before, despite not liking me or my clan. He saved my best friend's life at the risk of his own, so I, at the very least, owe him my respect."

Buzzardeye: "He always brought out the worst in me, urging my darkest thoughts to break free. It sounds bad, and maybe it is, but it's therapeutic in a way. He is one of my most trusted friends and allies, and I owe him so much. He may not be the kindest of heart, but he is loyal." 

Lightningstrike: "I go by what I've heard of him from Buzzardeye, but otherwise I do not know him. But, because of his close association with Buzzardeye, I would not hesitate to help this man if he were in need."

Batscreech: "Buzzardeye's son. I heard some about him from Buzzardeye. While I always wondered why he never seemed close with his son, it never truly bothered me. But now, with my own child on the way, I can't imagine how one could feel so distant from their own kit."


"They have been a strong foundation for a while. This is a clan you want to have on your side... on account of the dogs."

Leader: Mousestar: "Very serious and authoritative; Seems to be one of a bright mind. I respect her."

Deputy: Sleetstep: "Apparently cynical... It's good to be that way, I suppose. I'm sure he'll make a decent leader one day."

Medicine Cat: Diamondheart: "A warm-hearted woman, for a medic. She's always quite serious when speaking formally to other clans, but I've heard her kind tone when speaking to other medics."

Medicine Cat Apprentice:



"ShadowClan take their name seriously; They like to sneak about in the shadows, doing whatever they can do prove intimidating. Not unlike any other clan, I suppose."

Leader: Redstar: "Physically strong and domineering, he is someone you picture when thinking of the appearance of a leader. I don't care for his arrogance or temper."

Deputy: Rattleskin: She's young and energetic. I've always seen her as a hot-head, but maybe she'll learn to calm down.

Medicine Cat: Fadedwhisper: "I can tell there is a lot more to him than his role."


Outside of Clans

Lark: "Another revolting lump of scum that taints the earth with its retched existence. The very fact that we share blood sickens me. I have dealt with creatures of his nature my entire life, and I only wish for life to be ripped away from him, leaving him a bloody pulp. I had hoped he was dead after all this time, but the old bastard still lives... I hope it hurts."

Bluestream: "I feel a dangerous emotion at the sound of her name or the sight of her face; She is as wicked as they come, heartless and cruel. She made a huge mistake by targeting Falconbreeze, then disarming and killing me in a fight, leaving WindClan at those demons' mercy. If I ever see her again..."

Sand-Dune: "

Squirrelbite: "Ever been bitten by a squirrel? Me neither, but I imagine it hurts. However, if you saw him today, his name would seem more of a representation of a rabid infection than anything."

Hawkfeather: "I would say she is the least evil of the entire group, but I guess that isn't true... She never harmed anyone without reason, but she never cared when someone else did. I don't think she has an ounce of empathy.. or... fear, for that matter. Only logic."



 "StarClan is a place where our spirits travel after death. Most seek them out for guidance and good fortune, but that is a mistake; They are not as powerful as the nursery tales imply. If you don't believe that, then you are setting yourself up for a world of heartache. They are not all-powerful or all-knowing; They are merely the spirits of our ancestors who, at times, catch glimpse of our future and bring that information to us. It is a place I look forward to resting at."

Trouttail: "We went through a long and rocky path, but nothing could change the true fact that he is my brother and I love him. I have let go of my anger over his death, but not a day goes by that I don't miss him, or wonder how life would have been if he had lived."

Silverclaw: "Despite her betrayal to me, I can't find it in my heart not to consider her a member of StarClan... She loved me and my brother deeply... in her own way. She was abused by her mate, causing her to become submissive and fearful. I wish I could change how things were... I can only hope that she found peace wherever she ended up."

Minnowrush: "As a mentor, he was strict and wise. I saw him more as a father figure than my own dad, and I'm glad for it... he was a far better influence. Minnowrush is the one who begged me to stay in the darker souls' favor... I often hated him for ever asking me to do that. I still don't thank him for it, but admittedly, it worked out in the end... How he had so much faith in me, I'll never know. -- I saw him at my Nine Lives ceremony... when he approached me, he looked so proud..."

Shadowedlight: "A close friend of mine who died from injuries and poor health, all due to the oppression...It took a long time to push away the guilt of his death... I wish I could have saved him... He hated me so much before he died.. I wonder how he feels about me now."

Spiderstripe: "She died shortly after her brother, Shadowedlight... In her last moments, she learned the truth about me... She encouraged me to fight against them, begged me to put an end to this Hell."

Autumnpaw: "Disappeared without a trace... not even a lingering scent in the air."

Darkstone: "Murdered... Brutally."

Minnowkit "To this day, I get sick thinking about it... Her death was so horrid and cruel... A real example of how truly evil those... those things were."

The Place of No Stars/ Dark Forest

"I hope the dark forest is colder than ice. I hope every solid consists of spikes sharper than thorns, disease in every breath of air, and ear-splitting pain with every sound... because everyone in it deserves an eternity in Hell."

Foxshadow: "I'm ashamed of him; He was just as dark and twisted as all the tyrants I lived with. Even after being a part of his death, and hating him for everything he did to my mother and brother... I still have a fraction of care for him..."

Sharkstar: "I hope he feels the maggots squirming in his eyes and eating his decaying flesh."

Snakewhisper: "Words don't get dark enough for the way I feel about her."