Honote Hino



2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Honote Hino





curse techique

manipulation of flames. her flames match her hair color

info notes

from the fiery Hino clan. known for their tempers and their flame manipulation curse techque. Honote is a girl with a temper but is packing it in the power department with flame curse techique she has practiced she was little. she has sone burns scars on the side of her body she got battle while practing with her younger brothers. She has 3 younger brothers. she dies her hair and also her eyebrows to fit the color. just has her ears pierced but has a phoenix on her hip. mole near her lip

how their techique works

Honote's curse techique "manipulation of flames" is implement by using the Northern Shaolin style of Martial art,along with a few others (a bit like avatar but she can vary depend on what martial art she uses). her flames tend to take the form of flaming batterflies.


Honote is a pretty calm person when it comes to temperment. Which is highly unusual for a member of the Hino Clan who typically produce very high strung jujutsu sorcerers. But dont doube she will get stirred up if pushed too far. she has three younget brothers and while training with them gained burn scars on her lip and part of her leg. she is senstive when comes to comments about her burns. she has had a phoenix tattoed over the burns on her hip. she's generally kind but gets fired up for fights with curse spirits. she dyes her hair purple to seperate herself from her normally orange and red haired family. she loves buttleflies and has earrings of them that she wears.

love intrest

Yuiji Itadori