Isamu Yukizome



2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Juzo Sakakura (adopted father), Kyosuke Munakata (Also adopted father but acts cold to Isamu so Isamu doesn’t really see him as a dad)


Ultimate Fencer


Isamu at his heart a very caring young man, much to the worry of his  fathers as the world lives in doesn’t value anything other than pain  & despair meanwhile Isamu loves like there’s no tomorrow. He’s a  deeply caring person who has classic knightley traits like being deeply  loyal, romantic & protective.

He has some anger problems, mainly though they flare up when someone is  being treated unfairly or cruelly, which is a problem given how the  world works, he does his best to defend others from cruelty and has a  very hard time watching injustice go on without jumping in to right any  wrongs being done.

Isamu is a thoughtful person at heart, even though his more hot-headed  moments might others think otherwise. He pays attention to detail and is  very good at reading people by their body movement, he is even able to  tell what someone is going to do before they do it, which is a skill he  learned as a part of fencing.

He does enjoy combat & fights, mainly being a bit of a tactile  person and finding a lot of energy in a friendly fight, a rush that is  hopefully safe though he does also like to show off his own combat  skills.

Much like Kyosuke Isamu believes there is nothing to be gained from  despair and it is a sickness that must be destroyed for the world to be  safe, he feels very strongly on this and it’d take a lot for him to not  want to destroy something related to despair. He’d be likely to kill  someone he loved if they turned to despair at the beginning of the game  the only person he’d think of sparing if they turned to despair would be Juzo.