Kris Allaway



2 years, 9 months ago


Pronouns: She/Her

Species: Kalashtar (Human side is Jamaican/American)

Age: 22

Height: 5'2"/158cm

Alignment: True Neutral

Class: Sorcerer (Storm Sorcery)

Backstory: Kris' mother, named Nevirant, was born from the shared trauma and nightmares of one mage named Ninia Mitsou and her servant Achilles. Due to an abundance of mana present in Ninia, Achilles was able to survive after the both of them drowned and for that reason it was possible for the two of them to create Nevirant from within the Dreamverse and for her to pass down the Mitsou family crest onto Kris. Kris' father, named Calvin, met Nevirant through his adventures into different planes from his Horizon Walker training and longed to do whatever he could to see Nevirant's beautiful smile. The two loved each other dearly, and even though Calvin was completely oblivious to mages he tries to make sure he can support Kris however he can desoite binding himself to the Dreamverse to be with Nevirant. Kris lived in the Dreamverse for 21 years until she decided that she was ready to compete in a Holy Grail War. Not knowing much about Earth except for what her father told her, she teleported herself to a rural oceanside town in Maine and attempted to make a living for herself. She took up residence in an abandoned lighthouse and got a part-time job at a bookstore to pay for necessities. As time when on, however, she decided to devote a portion of her funds to video games and comics.

Her summoning of The Phantom of the Opera was mostly accidental, as she has limited knowledge of the figures that exist in her current plane, but above all else she knew that she had to summon an Assassin class servant to match her stealthy approach to battle. The two eventually came to realize that they're similar in how isolated they feel from everyone else and the mysterious personas they put on for the world. Kris' name being similar to the delusional "Christine" that the Phantom longed for confused her at first, but Kris came to think of it as serendipitous.

(She's technically a Fate Series OC, but she was made for a DnD campaign based in that world)


Technical stuff:

Stats (Human)

Strength -  D

Endurance - C

Agility - B-

Mana - EX

Luck - C

NP - n/a


Magecraft:  The Rage of Nightmares - Kris' magic is imbued with otherworldly storms-

Mystic Code: Heart of the Storm - Provides resistance to lightning and thunder damage

Crests - The Mitsou family crest located on right hand-- grants use to Command Codes, The Sign of Achilleid located on her back-- proves that she contains a trace of Servant Achilles and grants her additional strength to her lightning magic

Additional notes:

-Her lightning magic is strictly colored green

-She has a crab familiar named Rhaho (which is supposed to be "crabby" in Quori)

-Also in general just really loves crabs

-She plays the lyre