


3 years, 1 month ago


-“Take it easy; there’s plenty of time to be stressed about things later.” -

Rainshine is a mostly-easygoing cat who happens to like doing things her way, which others might call the “lazy” way. Not one too keen on hunting or fighting, she prefers to lounge around camp or by the river and catching up on the latest gossip. The warrior is easily bored with routine and often seeks out the company of those who offer something to spice up her day. In doing so, sometimes she can come across as manipulative as she looks for what would give her the greatest entertainment.

She doesn’t like being treated as younger, and is easily irritated when warriors assert their experience over her. To Rainshine , experience just means you’re old, not that you’re wise. She also thinks that everyone is too serious about their duties and faith. If it were up to her, everyone would be a little bit more relaxed.

Unlike most ThunderClan cats, Rainshine  has a fascination with water and the river that separates the clan from RiverClan. She enjoys playing in the water and watching the sun reflect off the ripples. Stemming from this is a curiosity about RiverClan, but Rainshine  assures everyone who asks that she is a loyal ThunderClan cat. She just wants to know what they do all day, that’s all.