Lorna Raine



2 years, 8 months ago


Air genasi order of ghostslayer blood hunter. As a kid was a short term victim of possession during an undead attack on her town, but luckily was ended pretty quickly after military intervention, and the incident helped motivate her to join the military herself when she got older. Unfortunately, she would one day get possessed again during active duty and this time it was two years before she was finally able to break out and be herself again, with no memories of what she did and thick scars wrapping all the way around both wrists. This pushed her to join a branch of the military known as the alienists, armed with mysterious knowledge and their own sect of blood hunters, determined to hunt down the kind of monsters that did this to her and stop it from happening to anyone else. She is now readjusting and learning how to be a person again after her long possession, finding herself surprised at mundane things and experiences.

Part of a D&D 5E game.