


2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Chaotic Evil


  • Has a number of aliases & identities
  • Pirate 
  • Imprisoned at a young age- in fact he was born in prison and simply wasn't allowed to leave, even after the death of his mother, Haydée. He escaped at 13
  • He hates strongly and rebels against reality itself 
  • Art is actually a calming hobby for him, and paint is his preferred medium
  • Dantès tends to decorate the walls of all of his properties with various frescoes and murals. When he runs out of space, he starts on the ceilings. If he stays somewhere long enough, even if it's a place he doesn't technically own, he'll start to idly paint there as well
  • You can tell which inns he frequents by the stylistic artwork left behind
  • Loves cabbage; wild cabbage grew on the prison grounds and his mother would make meals of it

- - EMPEROR'S WILL // Having the power of 'will' doesn't sound particularly intimidating. On his own, Dantès isn't any stronger, faster, or more capable than his admittedly fit human body will allow- And yet it is the will of the emperor that this isn't always the case. What he wishes will come to be, one way or another.
Dantès' power allows him to exert his will on the world. He cannot explicitly create, but he can twist reality in a way that mimics creation to an extent; i.e. projection of realistic illusions and bringing any form of fantasy to life through sheer force of will. He can bend rules to grant himself the power to create, as well as a variety of other existing powers by rewriting his own nature simply by willing it to be so.
Uses can be small, such as willing a pen without ink to write- and rise in scale where it allows him to manifest his thoughts into visible images or words. Another facet of his power allows him to manipulate others into obeying him if he tries hard enough. Dantès can use his Emperor's Will in concert with others to strengthen or improve upon them. He can will an increase in his physical capabilities such as strength and speed, but only when absolutely necessary. Dantès' powers are largely limited to necessity.