


2 years, 10 months ago


Name: Atema
Name Pronunciation: Ah-teh-muh
Nickname: Sapphire
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: August 8th
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: None
Family: None
Current Rank: Slave/Collection Piece
Marked: Yes
Symbolized: No
Mutated: No

Atema is a wolf that is part of Rykel's charm collection and is a rather emotionless individual by nature, but she does seem to have a little bit of pride in her charms, and will gladly show them off to Rykel. She's been part of his collection for about 6 years, and she's already more than used to her living conditions and day-to-day life.
Atema does what is asked of her by Rykel to stay on his good side and in an attempt to earn his favor; not that she has been successful, but she still tries. She doesn't much care for the others in the collection, but she will tend to them if necessary.

Atema was born to a pair of Merchant loners who had the knowledge and access to the items for charms spells, and thus Atema gained her charms shortly after birth. Even from the start, she was her known emotionless but item prideful self, but she had love in her heart for her parents and treated them with respect.
Her parents were killed by some unknown wolves when she was only 6 years old and she wandered on her own, fending for herself, for about 4 years before she was captured, taken to Rykel, and given the "nickname" of "Sapphire" due to the sapphire gem on the bracelet on her tail. Deep down she thinks that if she cares about anyone but herself, they'll be killed like her parents were. What she doesn't know, however, is that the wolves that killed her parents were some that worked for Rykel at the time.
Atema often gets paired with a Shadow wolf slave named Meka or "Jade". Atema usually ends up yelling at her to either shut up or leave her alone or points out that she's "not the only one that's suffered so it doesn't matter" to try to hurt her feelings. Unfortunately for her, Meka likes hanging around her, so no matter what she does, she gets an ear full a lot and just ends up very irritated. She could care less about the Shadow wolf but puts up with her anyway in an attempt to gain more favors from her captor.